From: Thomas Izaguirre Area: MagickNet To: All 3 Dec 96 00:11:30 Subject: Idries Shah (1924-1996) UpdReq * Original Area: UAMAGK * Original To : All (1:121/45) From the Obituary Section of the New York Times for 12/02/96: Idries Shah, an India-born author whose books about the varieties of Islamis mysticism known as Sufism have been widely published in the West, died on Nov. 23 in London. He was 72. He moved to Britain in the mid-1950's but traveled widely. The Daily Telegraph, in reporting his death on Saturday, said he had heart trouble. His book "The Sufis" (1964, Doubleday) has won wide praise. The British author Doris Lessing, writing in the New York Times Book Review in 1977, called it "comprehensively informative." For his part, Idries Shah observed not long ago, "I was merely at the right place at the right time," and "freeing Sufism from cultish accretions, weirdness and oriental quaintness has taken 25 years." He was born in Simla, India. His father, Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, who was also an author, was an Indian Muslim of high-born Afghan origin who traced his descent from the Prophet Muhammed. His mother, the former Elizabeth Louise MacKenzie, was a Scot. Idries Shah studied briefly at Oxford. As the journal "Current Biography" has put it, he "succeeded to formal leadership in the Sufi community on the death of his father in 1969." Hw wrote more than two dozen other books, including "The Way of the Sufi" (1968) and "Neglected Aspects of the Sufi Study" (1977) He married Kashfi Kabraji in 1958, and they had a son and two daughters. Idries Shah was to mystical Islam what Gershom Scholem was to Kabbalah, an innovatorand revealer who did not dilute the message of the sacred tradition in order to suit armchair mystics, as is so prevalent today. I found him influential for this study of the Western Magickal Tradition, research that basically led me to consider anything related to the Golden Dawn and Crowley as being suspect. I appreciate his work and his inspiration. He will be missed but, as a stone drop in a pond make ripples, his influence will propogate! Thomas Izaguirre 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718