From: Jade Area: MagickNet To: Ghost 16 Oct 96 20:14:00 Subject: Pollution UpdReq GG> .'. GG> > It must be tough though, so much of what we do, how we react is GG> > subconscious or semiconscious (or so it seems) and a lot of people seem GG> to GG> > be very willing to abdicate their lives entirely to someone else. GG> one has to deciede which way to follow, right?! You might think so, but we are exposed from birth to messages from parents, family, friends, teachers, etc (also TV, books, etc). As children we are told to grow up, act certain ways. You may remember this. I do! My point is that sometimes our decisions are made for us by others, not because we let them, but because we are not aware of the total matrix of conditions beliefs and thoughts that make us act like we do. One final thought: In my readings about mystics and sages, much of what they seem to be doing is to overcome and eliminate the enculturation that seperates themselves from their true selves, the Divine, etc. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718