From: Khephera Area: MagickNet To: All 24 Sep 96 19:58:22 Subject: SACRED_MAGICK UpdReq Hello All! Just a note to let you all know that I now have my own Echo! It's called SACRED_MAGICK and it's on FIDO. It centers on Religion as it relates to Magick. It will also cover Sacred Mythologies, and the kind of talk that goes on here is welcome there as well. As I write, it is Tuesday. The echo will be available on Sunday. I hope to see you guys there! Blessed Be, may Yahweh and His Asherah guide and keep thee, Ar ReX Em SeXem Eref Neter Au-a Rx Khephera 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Pan Area: MagickNet To: Jade & Paul Hume 23 Sep 96 13:04:00 Subject: Re: an it harm none UpdReq i think the reality of this whole theme is that we CREATE, in a very real sense, our universe. we then are STARS in the center of our worlds, which is the ,say, reflection of our personal GOD . his/hir light shining through us (as suns). the question; what is our will. say, why are we here? what for? but, also in creating the / our world, we (becouse)out of love's sake have to mix/ meet with the world of others. which helps us grow. growth is painful, so's love, so's understanding,and knoledge.. there's a new possibility in creating anew world with another that just isn't possible alone ( am i talking introversion here?). harming one (or another) dosen't really enter into it. it just seems like a good idea. as does not cutting off one's own toe. and the answer; we each reside in our own set course. our own orbits. we feel pain or evil when we go against NATURE (our nature). each are special and can only be understood by itself, completely. perfect your understanding (know thyself), and aspire unto that perfection. thus helping to create 'the perfect world' - your world more perfectly. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Pan Area: MagickNet To: Mephisto 23 Sep 96 13:41:00 Subject: Re: an it harm none UpdReq if we did not know how to cry, we would not know howto laugh.. wow, that is coincedental..andvery true. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Pan Area: MagickNet To: Mephisto 23 Sep 96 13:22:00 Subject: Re: Pollution UpdReq it's a hard thing to be brutally honest with oneself. takes a real power to be able to overcome the 'demons' of our little lives. takes alota courage to not fall into the soap opera, back stabbing, mellowdramatics just to make us forget who we are, and give us back our soul, our hope and faith. for, i truely believe that humans are the true kings of this world, most just don't act like it.. -not flaming- pan. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Pan Area: MagickNet To: Ghost 23 Sep 96 13:31:00 Subject: Re: Pollution UpdReq what i'm really saying is all about truth. truth without fear that tis life, as we call it will end, or we experiance pain. life is meant to be enjoyed, but we all do live together. if an axe murdurer goes around killing people, there WILL be a collective (or not so) to stop this from happening again. the 'evolved' social consensus would show that no one has the right to take the life of another just becouse they want to. in this sense (social), it may be a good idea to actuall tell people, 'don't harm anybody',' don't even threaten anyone' .. it harm none.. be cool. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Pan Area: MagickNet To: Pepper 23 Sep 96 13:40:00 Subject: Re: Supper UpdReq that was kinda cute. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718