From: Josh Norton Area: MagickNet To: Lewis Cypher 17 Apr 95 12:32:00 Subject: Astrology & Ritual 1/2 UpdReq Thus said Lewis Cypher to Josh Norton concerning Astrology & Ritual: LC>Like I said, some of my results have been rather astounding. It would be LC> profitable to me to hear your opinion. JN> I would be interested in hearing what you've found. LC> The old magic books like Legmeton in The Key Of Solomon, give LC> descriptions of what can be obtained from the spirits. LC> LC> Something like, "Teaches all science and arts." LC> LC> This does not mean that something sits at the edge of the circle and LC> discusses stainless steel for three hours. It means that a grasp of a LC> whole subject, and a shifting of awareness to encounter opportunities LC> [much interesting stuff deleted...] LC> Follow up comunication with the planetary intelligences is possible at LC> any time after the first contact, providing I ask the question of how LC> to do such 'out of season' communication. LC> Very interesting. I haven't gotten into the old goetic stuff much myself, for a number of reasons. (Mainly that they didn't seem to offer anything I wanted.) You are the first person I've encountered who has claimed to get real, practical knowledge out of them. But I'm not certain, from your descriptions, how what you get differs from the "global comprehensions" and personality changes that are common to many forms of cabalistic work. One invokes a planetary force, and events and perceptions are produced that follow the nature of that planet. Do you see any difference, except perhaps in degree? Maybe some more specific examples would help me get a better idea of what's happening. E.g., you mentioned some financial success... what form did this take? Did you suddenly become a wizard (excuse the pun) at high finance after invoking Jupiter? In the form of unexpected opportunities for investments, etc.? Ability to perceive such opportunities where you wouldn't have done before? Or something more direct, like winning a lottery? ... IRNI: I Recognize Norton's Imperium --- Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 * Origin: Access! Information Services (93:9000/2) SEEN-BY: 102/943 107/946 108/155 215/9393 666/119 1000/1 2000/11 9000/0 2 6 8 SEEN-BY: 9000/10 9005/0 9007/0 9008/0 9009/0 9010/0 9020/0 9030/0 9040/0 SEEN-BY: 9060/0 9070/0 9080/0 2 4 6 10 20 9081/0 9083/0 9084/0 9090/0 9100/0 SEEN-BY: 9200/0 9300/0 9400/0 3 23 9410/0 9420/0 9430/0 9500/0 9600/0 6 7 SEEN-BY: 9601/0 9603/0 9605/0 9608/0 9609/0 9620/0 9630/0 9640/0 9650/0 SEEN-BY: 9660/0 9697/0 9800/0 9900/0 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Josh Norton Area: MagickNet To: Lewis Cypher 17 Apr 95 12:32:00 Subject: Astrology & Ritual 2/2 UpdReq Thus said Lewis Cypher to Josh Norton concerning Astrology & Ritual: LC> No matter how they appear to me, my ritual preparation of the operator LC> (me) ensures a set manifest result in keeping with my expectations. I LC> would rather make those decisions. No dragons vomiting fire for me. If LC> I wanted that I would go to a movie. Heh. I can do without dragons, myself. (Though I suspect it's lack of imagination that's the cause in my case. I'm not a very poetic person.) There is a problem with making such decisions however, in that a decision to have a manifestation in a particular form causes the automatic exclusion of many other possible manifestations, many of which might be more useful than the form you chose. This becomes more of a problem the further you progress, as the more "divine" parts of yourself become integrated into your consciousness. Before this happens, the communicating intelligences can circumvent our ignorant decisions as to form by slipping things in through the back door, so to speak; inserting them into your mind on levels on which you are not conscious, and allowing it to percolate downwards into your awareness. (From your descriptions, it sounds like a lot of your realizations take this form.) But as those levels integrate into your psyche, the "window" through which they can slip such things becomes narrower. Eventually you reach a point where no matter how much freedom you give the communicating spirits, that which is communicated is entirely a reflection of your own being, in the sense that nothing came come through that is not in concordance with your own essential nature as an individual. Realizing this, one can take the position that what you see is all there is; this is the view of the classic "Black magician". Or one can accept the basic vacuity of all knowledge and perception, and pass into the "abyss". LC> LC> My interpretation of astrology is that we humans, in our highest state LC> of magical consciousness, are more like the celestial intelligences of LC> the stars and planets than gross matter. We can make the same LC> decisions. A few years ago, I would have agreed with this, save that I would substitute "creativity" for "choice" as the distinguishing characteristic. I still agree, within a limited context. But in a larger context I know that so-called "gross" matter is just as divine as the apparently more celestial expressions of being. LC> Therefore, IMHO, we can take over parts of the reality machine and LC> mold it in accordance to our will, limited only by: LC> LC> Our understanding of the machine's essence and what button to push and LC> the ability to mold our expectations and our willingness to flow with LC> or ability to resist patterns of manifestation-of which we are one with LC> the ability to remanifest those forces from the stars, governed by the LC> Celestial Intelligences of those stars, in accordance with our will, LC> tuned to the divine spark within us. I once wrote a paper giving my own ideas on this subject in more detail than I could get into here. If you're interested, you can pick it up from the Arena of Anon BBS or Baphonet. It's titled "Divine Creation and Initiation". Suffice to say that I agree with you in a general way, though I would add a couple more limitations: -- When our intent impinges upon that of another creative being -- which includes all human beings, regardless of the "degree of initiation", as well as beings of various "higher" varieties -- the interaction can produce results that are totally unexpected to either of them. -- The "material" upon which an act of creation works can itself spontaneously produce manifestations that don't fit with our conscious intent, though still perfectly in accord with the nature of the energies we are using. There is a surprise factor built into the nature of existence; you never know exactly what's going to come out of any creative act. ... There are no answers, only cross-references. --- Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 * Origin: Access! Information Services (93:9000/2) SEEN-BY: 102/943 107/946 108/155 215/9393 666/119 1000/1 2000/11 9000/0 2 6 8 SEEN-BY: 9000/10 9005/0 9007/0 9008/0 9009/0 9010/0 9020/0 9030/0 9040/0 SEEN-BY: 9060/0 9070/0 9080/0 2 4 6 10 20 9081/0 9083/0 9084/0 9090/0 9100/0 SEEN-BY: 9200/0 9300/0 9400/0 3 23 9410/0 9420/0 9430/0 9500/0 9600/0 6 7 SEEN-BY: 9601/0 9603/0 9605/0 9608/0 9609/0 9620/0 9630/0 9640/0 9650/0 SEEN-BY: 9660/0 9697/0 9800/0 9900/0 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Mif K'Ta Wita Area: MagickNet To: Joseph Max 18 Apr 95 03:27:00 Subject: A New Life! UpdReq Subj: A New Life! Conf: (89) MAGICKNET --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BB>JM>******************************************************************** BB>JM> Joseph Max BB>JM> and BB>JM> Lilith Angelica Darkchilde BB>JM> with a joy that surpasseth all others in their lives BB>JM> announce to the worlds visible and invisible BB>JM> the birth of their child BB>JM> Samantha BB>JM> at 3:08 AM, February the Twenty-first, Nineteen Ninety-five CE BB>JM> in Oakland, California USA BB>JM> 02* 21' Pisces BB>JM>******************************************************************** Great!!!!! Happiness and Joy with your Daughter. BTW does she wiggle her Nose Yet :) Sorry I could not resist. My Mom's B'day was on the 28th of Feb. May Little Samantha be as wonderful a woman as my Mother, Noni was. B*B Lady ~ SLMR 2.0 ~ Dragon Rescued, Virgin slain, Film at 11. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Mif K'Ta Wita Area: MagickNet To: Rainlake 18 Apr 95 04:06:00 Subject: Re: Reply to Urgent UpdReq Subj: Re: Reply to Urgent Conf: (89) MAGICKNET --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RA>-> Also as for your comment on "rubeneseque" women, THANK YOU!!!!(Blush) RA>-> I am a BBW and I like my self fine this way.. RA>-> I just wish that the rest of the world would wake up and realize that RA>-> stick thin isn't always an indicator of health or of how good a lover RA>Greetings and a big RIGHT ON from another happy BBW! I also am BBW sence I am 5'8" and 260 lbs. How ever I do take after my dad with BIG huge mussles. I meen I get called Sir alot. Anyway I have two Wonderful men who are in love with me, an X hubby and a Now Hubby. The 3 of us are Planning to get a House together in the Next few Months. X Hubby and I are FRIENDS, and have been for 15 years. Now Hubby is the Love of my Lives, having shared 2 befor this. However I have had this BIG problem sence I was a Child, being a Empath and Being hurt by others because of my size. I have always been BIG even when I was Skinny. So go figure. Anyway. Hi and MM. B*B Lady ~ SLMR 2.0 ~ A Republican keyboard has no key. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718