From: Wored Area: MagickNet To: All 13 Dec 94 03:07:20 Subject: Why don't we adnit it `Pete Carro;; os GOD?UpdReq Really, all th post regarding the man, make hinm out to be the Mesiah ofChaos Magick! many came before and after him. But in lieu of the post Pope pete is god! Let's give hom a rest. Why don't we quote `Ray Sherwin, Phil Hines, Loyola, ect. ect. Pete just borrowed his work from these people. Why don't we renounce him altogether and live the life of `TRUE CHAOTAYES'. Fuck him and his plaguerized ideas. Chaos is about the absolute in the Magickal Acheivement of an individual. Popo Pete, had become nothimg save a Chaosists' prove that htey're valid. I don't need Pete to verify my Magick. (He was only 20ty years after the factanyway!) "LIFE IN RESTRICTION KNOWS NO EXPANSION!", cried the wandering Wored. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718