From: Martin Krogh-Poulsen Area: MagickNet To: JOSEPH MAX 30 Nov 94 01:11:04 Subject: CHAOS UpdReq well, hi JOSEPH! it was around Wednesday November 23 1994 that JOSEPH MAX informed CHRISTEOS PIR: CP>> This reminds me of an idea I had: if symbols can be put together to CP>> indicate a flow of ideas (just as we read a letter in a certain flow: CP>> topleft to bottomright), why couldn't a painting also be a spell or CP>> ritual? CP>> (Next question to myself: what makes you think this hasn't already CP>> been done?) JM> Check out the work of Austin Ossman Spare. That's exactly what his JM> drawings and paintings are - graphic spell/rituals. JM> Anyway, what is sigil magick, after all? Yeah, and Pascal B. Randolph writes (Chpt. XXIII, "Sexual Magic") about generating a succubi in a painting, so that you might give the painting to your enemy and thereby indirectly killing him. JM> - J:.M:.555 Martin Krogh-Poulsen 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718