From: Robin Graves Area: MagickNet To: J.S. Pereira 30 May 94 13:47:56 Subject: Magick w/File UpdReq JP> Most books on Norse Magic involve runes, and a number of JP> different things you can do with runes. Some authors to look into JP> would be Edred Thorrson, and Kveldulf Gundarsson. Norse magic JP> (using the term very loosely) can also involve poetry, JP> trance-work, making vows and a number of other things that would JP> require a lot of explanation to go into. -!- MacWoof 1.5.3 Hi. I would like to add Feya Aswynn's name to this list. I have her book "Leaves of Yggdrasil", and I recommend it to anyone who'll listen. I've loaned it to someone so can't supply information about ordering. Another author is Ed Fitch; I have his "Rites Of Odin". The best way to get hold of this book (and, come to think of it, maybe Leaves as well) is to write for a catalogue called The Llewellyn New Times, P.O. Box 64383-224, St. Paul, NM, 55164-0383. Llewellyn asks for the inclusion of a stamped, self-addressed 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Lei Area: MagickNet To: J.S. Pereira 31 May 94 19:49:16 Subject: Magick UpdReq Yes, they were by D.JConway. I am most interested in runes and the sacred stones, I am trying to learn how to use them postively and try to gain as much energy as I possibly can. Thanks for the suggestions. Lei 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: Khonsu Area: MagickNet To: Sonia Brock 31 May 94 05:31:02 Subject: Open Ritual UpdReq 93 Sonia I understand that the child in the ritual could be Horus. I have not seen the Rite yet, but will soon, and will let you know as soon as I am able. Hope you are feeling better. 93:93/93 Peter * SLMR 2.1a * To Know, To Will, To Dare, To be Silent. 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718 From: The Cegorach Area: MagickNet To: All 2 Jun 94 04:16:06 Subject: Magickal Weapons UpdReq Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. My Weapons are coming along; I'm building the GD-style weapons as depicted/ described in Kraig's _Modern Magick_, though I'll possibly end up sticking a Unicursal Hexagram on the Earth Pentacle, rather than a "normal" one--one of the "dummies" I drew out to practice for it had the Unicursal Hex on it, and it looked pretty spiffy, I thought. :) But enough self-congralutory drek--I'm enquiring about techniques for constructing the Lotus on the Lotus Wand. Izzy's _The Golden Dawn_ says you can use *cardboard*. I shudder at the very notion. I plan on trying a form of modelling clay/compound. I've never worked with it before, though, so I'm soliciting for other methods, in case it doesn't work well. Sheet metal looked interesting, but I've no idea what working with sheet metal entails, either, and thus no guarantee it'd be any better than modelling clay or Fimo. :) Love is the law, love under will. ... What if there were no hypothetical situations? 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718