From: Knife Area: MagickNet To: All 9 Sep 92 16:08:00 Subject: New Student UpdReq I am a new student to the practice of magick and am attempting to teach myself through use of books such as Magick by Phil Hansford and other informational sources (i.e. text files dl'd from this BBS) and would like help in learning it if possible through E-mail. I already know much about the occult through prior studies for basic knowledge however this is the first time I am trying to learn it to practice it and am having problems focusing any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Erin Area: MagickNet To: Domi O 9 Sep 92 22:59:32 Subject: Irish Sources and Stuff UpdReq > There really aren't "exceptions" to aspiration and eclipsis, > though there are regional differences. Wish you'd quoted. I've forgotten now what I said about exceptions. I think I must have been talking about the differences in dialects? > know perfectly well that each word is correct, and yet > cannot make sense of the whole. > If you can do Japanese, you are way ahead of me! At least > Irish is an Indo-European language... Give me an Oriental language any day of the week! They are simplicity itself. None of this complicated grammar, these declensions of nouns, these conjugations of verbs, these exceptions to rules governed by blood temperature and how hot the moon is. All you have to learn is the character system. And even it's not as intimidating as it looks. Erin 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Lewis Stead Area: MagickNet To: Paul Hume 9 Sep 92 09:38:26 Subject: Re: PAGAN SEMINARY UpdReq PH> In the "requirements" portion of the document (#1-6) my initial PH> reactions are: 1: Pagans who go to non-pagan seminaries: I would have PH> the gravest doubts about someone who is so hungry for certification as PH> a "Cleric" that they would feel impelled to attend a seminary having PH> little or nothing to do with the religion they espouse. If they want PH> the training in counselling, there are degree programs in counselling, PH> etc. Attending a seminary implies a desire for "God" to sign your PH> diploma, in this context. The ones I've seen are Unitarians and many simply unable to understand that there are differences between Unitarian and Pagan belief. PH> 6: Without wishing to discount Alan's sincere vocation, this point PH> raises the gravest doubts about his suitability for such a role. We PH> see a list of three individuals who have taken priestly obligations PH> under false pretenses and WHO CANNOT (apparently) HOLD A "REAL" JOB. PH> Yes, all three are also in a dilemma, if they have a real vocation to PH> serve their fellows in the religious paradigm, but they're solutions PH> (or lack of solutions) shows a lack of moral fiber that is not PH> comforting. If they are capable of living in the broom closet and PH> working as clergy of other religions, waiting to jump ship to Paganism PH> as soon as they can find someone to PAY THEM TO DO IT, what does this PH> say for their belief in the God/Gods to Whom they made the vows that PH> presently bind them, and to Whom they apparently wish to make new PH> vows? Here! Here! I agree completely. Locally we have two or three "in the closet" "Pagan" ministers. As far as I'm concerned that kind of fraud is around the same level as TV Preachers telling retirees to sign over their social security checks. Being a Priest or minister or whathaveyou is a sacred trust and not living up to that trust or resigning your vocation when you no longer feel it is nothing more than the most cynical and immoral type of fraud. The people that contribute to churches are sincere believers looking for spiritual leadership in their own communities, not looking to fund someone elses spiritual excursions. How would the Pagan community feel if we found out some of our leaders were just making $$ off of us and were really Evangelical Christians. 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Domi O Area: MagickNet To: The Wizard 9 Sep 92 19:48:00 Subject: LOCAL COVEN? UpdReq Where is Vineland? I know druids in Jersey City and Gardnerians in Dumont...... Domi of ADF 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: The Grey man Area: MagickNet To: Paul Hume 10 Sep 92 11:54:32 Subject: PAGAN SEMINARY UpdReq Paul, I have passed your comments on to Alan. Judging by past experience, I will end up posting his reply within the next few days. By the way, your comments echoed mine almost exactly 3(except that I was quite a bit harsher about the "pagan" Christian clergy than you were). I'm afraid that Alan is going to think that I am writing these responses and putting other people's names to them. :-) I don't know if I mentioned it to you before, but my son enjoyed talking to you at Free Spirit last June. Of course he didn't bother to tell me that you were there until we got home... Blessed be, Grey 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718