From: Tommy Watt Area: MagickNet To: Zebrinon 6 Sep 92 15:12:00 Subject: yo UpdReq Sure am! Hey there! How be u???? 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Airmid Area: MagickNet To: Erin 4 Sep 92 07:36:00 Subject: Re: Sun And Moon Feminine UpdReq ER>Quoth Airmid to Erin: ER> > (or long extinct) that it would be difficult to say who ER> > was what. The ER> > other problem is the long scholarly tendancy to label =everything= ER> > a ER> > "sun God" from about 1820 on to 1960 or so. Over a century ER> > of ER> > deliberate stretching of interpretations would certainly ER> > put most folks ER> Yup, kinda figured that. But am working out theory of androgyny ER>in my own pointed little head. And am looking for evidence to support or ER>refute it. You know, damn it, we *ought* to know more about what the ancien ER>Celts believed. I mean the Japanese didn't have a writing system till 550 o ER>so, but the Celts did--or the educated ones did at least with the coming of ER>Rome. Is that not correct? So why don't we know more? Well, that's like ER>lamenting the fact that I'm no longer 20. Useless. The thing about Celts and writing is they knew how, but they didn't write down anything important. They used Greek and had been able to write since way before Roman times. I wouldn't doubt that =some= kind of writing has been in place since at least the time of trade contacts with the Phoenecians. Why don't we know more? Because they didn't see fit to tell us. Because the Ogham fans they carved were destroyed by water and fire and invasion. Because the Christians and the Vikings were very very good at destroying or simply taking things that were'nt theirs to do that with. It's a wide combination of reasons that simply culminates in the fact that very little from pre-900 ce survived. ER> > Now, in the Carmina Gadelica, the both Moon and Sun are ER> > referred to as ER> > feminine. ER> > ER> Will check it out. Along with 100 other things. I *hate* the ER>beginning of the school year. The Carmina has lots of magnificent Scots material. You'll find it vastly worthwhile, assuming you can find copies of all the volumes. OLX 2.1 TD --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E-- 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Erin Area: MagickNet To: Chris Feldman 6 Sep 92 13:42:32 Subject: Re: Fundies, Fools??!!?? UpdReq Quoth Chris Felman, first quothing me: Er> They said Ann Foster was supposed to have been "one of ours." How Thanks. I'll have to look up which one she was when I get my book back. What about the cook? Tituba? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Seems like I've read somewhere that the cook knew some voodoun. But I don't think anyone but Ann Foster was Wiccan, if indeed, the Dragonfest folks are correct and she was. I think that's about my sum and total knowledge on the matter. Smile. Erin 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718