From: Christeos Pir Area: ENOCHIAN To: All 28 Aug 94 20:49:50 Subject: X-Post Facto UpdReq Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The following is Crossposted from Usenet's alt.magick by Christeos Pir. *********************************************************************** As half-promised, here's the extract from the Sloane 3188. This lists the reception of the Enochian alphabet and has pronunciation notes on the letters. It also gives the English equivalent, in both tables. Also included is the table from "The Golden Dawn"'s Concourse of the Forces. Interesting to notice is: a) Na becoming Na-Hath. b) Drux becoming Drun ( I'm sure I'm reading this properly! ). c) Van becoming Vau. d) The addition of Hebraicism's in Veh, Gon and Van's English transliterations. If anyone wants a discussion on this, please feel free to mail me. --------------- Sloane 3188 - Liber Mysteriorum Quintus - fol. 109v Notes: D: signifies speech or a comment by Dee. It was marked in the mss. by a Greek capital Delta. E.K. is fairly obviously Edward Kelley. Interestingly enough, he was referred to, and introduced as Edward Talbot. I'll check back on the exact point his name decided to change! Words I couldn't exactly make out are marked as *?*. Tentative guesses are in brackets afterwards. If the word has been utterly destroyed or mostly obscured by a blotch, there is no guess. Guesses are actually based on what the word looks like, and aren't interpolations. < Above in the folio they had been discussing the 49x49 tablet and the Enochian letters had been shewn > D: They are noted. E.K.: He toke from under the table, a thing like a great globe, and put that in the chayre and uppon that globe, layd the boke. He pointeth to the characters ( Enochian letters - V ) and cownting them with his finger, being 21, and begynning from the right hand, toward the left. He *?* of the Crown of gold, from his hed; and layeth it on the Table. His here appeareth yellow. He maketh cumfy: and _from under the table taketh a rod_ of gold in his hand *?* divided into three different *?* ( tions?! ). He putteth the ende of the rod on the first of ** fol. 110r the characters, and sayeth Pa and there appeared in *?* ( ewglass? ), or *?* *?*, _Pa_: he sayd _Veh_: and there appeared Veh in writing: then _Ged_ and after that he sayd Unus unus unus, magnus magnus magnus es. Then he pointed to an other, and sayd _Gal_ and there appeared Gal: then _or_ [ the voyce seemed Orh ] Then _Un_ [ the voyce semmed _Und_ ] Then Graph [ the sownd is Grappha, .'. the Whole ] Then _Tal_ [ in sownd stall or xtall. ] Then _Gon_, then _Na_ [ but in sownd _Nach_ as it were in the nose(?) ] Then _ur_ [ in sownd _our_ or _ourh_ ] Then _mals_ [ in sownd machls ] Then _Ger_ [ in sownd *?* ( Grech? Guech? Gierh? ) Then _Drux_ [ in sownd *?* ( Drowx? ) ] Then Pal, the P being sownded remissly. Then _Med_. He sayd Magna est Horia eius. _Ceph_ sownded like Keph. But before that, was _Don_. Then Van, Fam, then Gisg. Then he lay down before it and there cam two *?* ( lines? ) and parted the 21 letters into 3 partes, each being of 7, he sayd. Numerus o perfectissimus, Unus et Trinus. Gloria, tibi, amen. Table of letters the above text was beside ( with addition of G.'.D.'. ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The Enochian letter representing the letter was the 1st column of this table. Obviously, it isn't reproducible here! Pa b | Pe b Veh c | Veh c or k Ged g | Ged g Gal d | Fal d Or f | Orth f Un a | Un a Graph e | Graph e Tal m | Tal m Gon i or y | Gon i, y or j Na hath h | Na-hath h ur l | Ur l Mals p | Mals p Ger q | Ger q Drux n | Drun n Pal x | Pal x Med o | Med o Don r | Don r Ceph z | Ceph z Van u | Vau u, v or w Fam s | Fam s Gisg t | Gisa t --------------- -- Alligator Descartes | "Vinegar's wee, but he's gemme!" | - Bud Neill ************************************************************************* Love is the law, love under will. - Christeos Pir ... nor unto the neophyte, nor unto the zelator, 201434369420143436942014343694201434369420143436942014343694718