'The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic' Volume 1 THE MAGICAL ALPHABET Introduction ........................................... 1 Initiation ............................................. 5 The Western Esoteric Tradition ......................... 6 Self Initiation ........................................ 8 A Cautionary Note ...................................... 12 The Proper Attitude Towards Mind-Body................... 17 The Magical Alphabet ................................... 22 The Magic of the Hebrew Alphabet ....................... 25 The Mysticism of the Alphabet .......................... 26 Concerning Hebrew Pronounciation ....................... 29 Introduction to the Kabbalah Unvieled .................. 31 Concerning the Hierarchies ............................. 43 Tetragrammaton ......................................... 54 On the Least Amount of Work Necessary .................. 59 Elitism ................................................ 61 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Albath ................................................. 34 Aiq Bekar .............................................. 35 Sephirotic Hierarchies ............................... 46-48 Planetary Hierarchies ................................ 48-49 Elemental Hierarchies ................................ 50-51 AHIH-IHVH .............................................. 55 Three Trinities ........................................ 57 Volume 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF DIVINATION Divination ............................................. 1 Fundamental of Tarot, Geomancy and Astrology ........... 3 The Tarot .............................................. 3 Notes on the Tarot ..................................... 8 Tarot Trumps ........................................... 12 Notes on Geomancy ...................................... 27 Astrology .............................................. 32 Esoteric Astrology ..................................... 33 Introductory Paper on the Tattwas ...................... 35 The Tattwas of the Eastern School ...................... 41 Course of the Tattwas .................................. 44 The Tattwa ............................................. 45 Meditation and Mastery Over the Tattwas ................ 47 Cure of Diseases ....................................... 48 Forecasting the Future ................................. 49 Alchemy ................................................ 50 Alchemy by Hans Nintzel ................................ 52 The Vision of the Universal Mercury .................... 61 Translation of and Notes on the Mercury Paper .......... 63 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Anagrams of Tarot ...................................... 4 Selection of a Significator ............................ 6 Rough Sketches of Tarot Cards by Regardie ............ 10-12 Acquisitio ........................................... 29-30 Table of Astrological Corrections ...................... 34 Tattwa Attributions .................................... 45 The Flying Mercury ..................................... 61 Volume 3 THE CORE OF THE TRADITION The Pillars ............................................ 1 The Pillars II ......................................... 2 The Pillars III ........................................ 6 The Words of the Departed Spirit Osiris, Son of God .... 9 The Pillars IV ......................................... 10 The White Pillar ....................................... 10 The Black Pillar ....................................... 13 The Garden of Eden Before the Fall ..................... 14 The Garden of Eden After the Fall ...................... 15 On the General Guidance and Purification of the Soul ... 19 Shem ha-Mephoresch -- The 72 Fold Name ................. 21 The 72 Angelic Names and Their Meanings ................ 24 The Magical Images of the Decans ....................... 26 Hodos Chamelionis ...................................... 31 The Microcosim-Man ..................................... 36 Task Undertaken by the Adeptus Minor ................... 43 Of Traveling in the Spirit Vision ...................... 44 Concerning the Microcosms of the Macrocosm ............. 45 Of Obsession, Trance, Death ............................ 47 On the Work Undertaken Between Portal & Adeptus Minor .. 47 The Tree of Life in the Aura ........................... 55 The Knowledge Lectures ................................. 63 Meditations ............................................ 87 Developmental Exersizes ................................ 89 Sensitivity Training ................................... 91 Holy Ground ............................................ 93 The Qabalistic Cross ................................... 94 The Holy Spirit ........................................ 95 The Cleansing Breath ................................... 96 Prithivi ............................................... 96 Vayu ................................................... 96 Love ................................................... 97 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS The Two Pillars ........................................ 1 Pillar Diagrams ........................................ 7-8 Symbolic Representation of YHVH ........................ 21 Hexagram of the Angels of Aries ...................... 23 Seventy-Two Angelic Names ............................ 24-26 Triangular Permutations of YHVH ...................... 30-31 Color Scales ........................................... 32 Color Scales in the Four Worlds ...................... 35-36 Elements on the Four Fingers ........................... 37 The Planets and the Cranial Aperatures ................. 40 The Sephiroth on the Human Body ........................ 50 Diagrams for the Knowledge Lectures .................. 63-86 Pentagrams ............................................. 73 Fylfot Cross ........................................... 76 Caduceus ............................................... 76 Caduceus ............................................... 77 Moon on the Tree ....................................... 77 Geomantic Attributions ................................. 78 Solid Greek Cubical Cross .............................. 79 The Greek Cross ........................................ 80 The Cup of Stolistes ................................... 80 The Symbol of Mercury .................................. 81 Symbol of Ain Soph ..................................... 81 The Holy Family ........................................ 82 The Calvary Cross of the Twelve Squares ................ 83 Pyramid of the Elements ................................ 84 The Calvary Cross of Ten Squares ....................... 84 Hegemon's Badge ........................................ 85 Venus on the Tree ...................................... 85 An Alternate Tree of Life .............................. 86 The Reflection of the Elements ......................... 86 Sigil of Eheieh ........................................ 90 Volume 4 BASIC TECHNIQUES General Orders ......................................... 1 Techniques of Invocation ............................... 8 The Ritual of the Pentagram ............................ 9 Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram ............... 15 The Ritual of the Hexagram ............................. 17 The Four Forms ......................................... 25 The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram ...................... 26 Addendum ............................................... 28 The Magic Sword ........................................ 32 The Four Elemental Weapons ............................. 35 Ritual of Concecration of the Four Elemental Weapons ... 38 The Lotus Wand ......................................... 44 Consecration of the Lotus Wand ......................... 47 The Description of the Rose Cross ...................... 50 Note of Making the Rose Cross .......................... 54 Consecration of the Rose Cross ......................... 54 The Ritual of the Rose Cross ........................... 57 The Use of the Rose Cross Ritual ....................... 60 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Spirit Pentagrams .................................... 10-11 Invoking and Banishing Pentagrams ...................... 12 Zodiacal Pentagrams .................................... 13 Symbols and Names on the Pentagram ..................... 14 Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram ...................... 15-17 Hexagram Attributions .................................. 18 Banishing and Invoking Hexagrams ..................... 18-22 The Four Forms of Hexagrams .......................... 25-28 Unicursal Hexagram ................................... 29-32 The Magical Sword ...................................... 32 The Wand of Fire ....................................... 35 The Dagger of Air ...................................... 36 The Water Cup .......................................... 37 The Earth Pentacle ..................................... 37 Diagram of the Lotus Wand .............................. 44 Whirls of the Petals ................................... 45 The Attributions of the Lotus Wand ..................... 45 Astrological Attributions .............................. 46 More Astrological Attributions ......................... 49 Letters on the Rose .................................... 52 The Rose Cross of the Order ............................ 53 Rose Cross Symbol ...................................... 57 Format of Rose Cross Symbol ............................ 58 Analysis of Key Word ................................. 58-59 Volume 5 MAGICAL FUNDAMENTALS The Geomantic Talismanic Symbols ....................... 1 Qualities ofo the Figures .............................. 6 Talismans and Flashing Tablets ......................... 8 Mode of Formation of Talismans and Pentacles ........... 14 Lineal Forms of Names of Sephiroth on Tree of Life ..... 15 Polygrams and Polygons ................................. 21 The Cross Within the Circle ............................ 38 Sigils ................................................. 39 Telesmatic Figures ..................................... 48 Telesmatic Attributions of Letters of Hebrew Alphabet .. 52 The Vibratory Mode of Pronouncing the Divine Names ..... 55 An Alternate Method of Vibrating Divine Names .......... 56 Geomancy ............................................... 59 Skrying ................................................ 84 On Skrying ............................................. 99 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Geomantic Symbols ...................................... 1 Geomantic Symbols on a Pentagram ....................... 2 Geomantic Symbols on Hexagrams ......................... 3 Geomantic Tree of Life ................................. 4 Attributions of Geomantic Symbols to Enochian Letters .. 5-6 Geomantic Talismantic Forms .......................... 10-14 Circular Talisman ...................................... 15 Tree of Life ........................................... 16 Geometric Symbols on the Tree ........................ 17-20 Polygrams and Polygons The Triangle ........................................... 21 The Square ............................................. 22 The Pentagon ........................................... 23 The Pentangle .......................................... 23 The Hexangles ........................................ 24-25 The Octangles ........................................ 27-28 The Enneangles ....................................... 29-30 The Dekangles ........................................ 31-32 The Endekangles ...................................... 33-34 The Dodekangles ...................................... 35-37 The Endekangles ........................................ 37 Four Basic Symbols ..................................... 38 Rose for Sigil Making .................................. 39 Sigils ............................................... 40-41 Sigils From Kameas ................................... 43-46 Olympic Planetary Symbols .............................. 47 The Telesmatic Image ................................... 53 Male and Female Qualities of the Alphabet .............. 54 Sound Experiments ...................................... 57 Geomantic Divinatory Form .............................. 60 Plan of Geomantic Divination ........................... 61 Geomantic Attributions ............................... 63-64 The Four Mothers ....................................... 65 The Four Daughters ..................................... 65 Table of Houses ...................................... 68-69 Placing of the Twelve Houses ......................... 69-70 Description of the Symbols ........................... 70-78 Table of Dignities ..................................... 79 Volume 6 OUTER ORDER RITUALS AND COMMENTARIES Introduction to the Original Golden Dawn Rituals ....... 1 Opening of the Neophyte Grade .......................... 3 Discussion of the Z Documents .......................... 24 Z-2 .................................................... 32 Z-1 .................................................... 53 Z-3 .................................................... 73 The Ceremony of the Equinox ............................ 84 Opening of the Zelator Grade ........................... 87 Theoricus Grade ........................................ 103 Practicus Grade ........................................ 117 Philosophus Grade ...................................... 134 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Temple of the Neophyte Grade ........................... 2 Oficers During Obligation .............................. 11 Signs of the Grades .................................... 16 Altar for Alchemy ...................................... 51 General and Particular Exordium ........................ 53 Lamen of the Hierophant ................................ 57 The Cross on the Heirophants Robe ...................... 58 Lamen of Heireus ....................................... 61 Lamen of Hegemon ....................................... 61 Lamen of Kerux ......................................... 63 Lamen of Stolistes ..................................... 63 Lamen of Dadouchos ..................................... 64 Lamen of Sentinel ...................................... 64 Weapons of Main Officers ............................... 71 Sash, Cloaks and Weapons of Officers ................... 72 Temple in Zelator Grade ................................ 87 The Flaming Sword with Kerubs .......................... 93 Zelator - Second Temple Plan ........................... 95 Table of Shew Bread .................................... 97 Seven Branched Candlestick ............................. 98 Temple Plan for Theoricus .............................. 103 Temple Plan for Theoricus Ceremony ..................... 111 Temple Plan for Practicus .............................. 117 Temple Plan for 30th Path .............................. 125 Temple Plan for Practicus Ceremony ..................... 129 Temple Plan for Philosophus ............................ 134 Temple Plan for 28th Path .............................. 141 Temple Plan for 27th Path .............................. 145 Temple Plan for Philosophus ............................ 149 Volume 7 RITUALS OF THE R.R. ET A.C. WITH THOSE OF WAITE'S FELLOWSHIP Ritual of the Portal ................................... 2 Adeptus Minor Grade .................................... 30 The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross ....................... 62 The Adeptus Minor ...................................... 92 The Adeptus Major Ceremony ............................. 127 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Temple Plan for the Portal Ritual ...................... 2 Seven Palaces of Holiness .............................. 12 Temple Plan of Rite of Pentagram ....................... 14 Temple Plan of Adeptus Minor Grade ..................... 30 Temple Plan for the Second Point ....................... 46 Temple Plan for the Third Point ........................ 50 Drawings in Vault ...................................... 57 Wall of the Vault ...................................... 58 Side of the Pastos ..................................... 58 Four Crosses of the Grade .............................. 59 Volume 8 OTHER ORDER RITUALS AND MAGICAL DOCTRINES Ceremony of the Equinox ................................ 1 Watchtower Ceremony .................................... 14 The Consecration Ceremony of the Vault of the Adepti ... 17 Concerning the Use of the Vault ........................ 28 More About the Vault ................................... 29 The Symbolism of the Seven Sides ....................... 34 Requiescat in Pace ..................................... 39 An Alchemical Ritual ................................... 43 Invocation of the Angel Chassan ........................ 45 The Canopic Gods ....................................... 58 The Egyptian God Forms of the Neophyte Grade ........... 62 Lamens and Exam for Grade of Practicus Adeptus Minor ... 67 The Ring and the Disk .................................. 69 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Obverse and Reverse Sides of Pentacle .................. 45 Circle and Triangle of Invocation ...................... 46 The Ring ............................................... 69 The Disk ............................................... 70 Spellings of the Goddess Thmah ......................... 73 Diagram of the Whorl ................................... 74 Volume 9 THE TAROT The Complete Golden Dawn System of the Tarot ........... 1 Titles of the Tarot Cards .............................. 3 Note on the Tarot ...................................... 29 An Alternate Method of Selecting the Significator ...... 32 Unofficial Description of the Tarot Trumps.............. 54 The Tree of Life as Projected in a Solid Sphere ........ 60 More Notes on the Tarot ................................ 79 The True System of Astrological Divination ............. 90 IMPORTANT TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Ankh of the Tarot ...................................... 2 Major Arcana ........................................... 4 Minor Arcana ........................................... 5 Decans and Days of the Week ............................ 14 Rules of Counting ...................................... 31 An Example of Reading Layout ........................... 32 The First Cut .......................................... 34 Horseshoe of the First Cut ............................. 34 Second Layout in the Houses ............................ 37 Horseshoe of the Second Layout ......................... 38 The Third Layout ....................................... 39 The Fourth Cut ......................................... 41 The Fourth Horseshoe ................................... 41 Cards Arranged as the Tree of Life ..................... 44 Final Horseshoe Layout ................................. 45 Brief Delineation of Small Cards ..................... 46-49 Brief Meaning of the Trumps .......................... 49-50 A Few Examples ....................................... 51-52 Star Map of the Northern Hemisphere .................... 61 Star Map of the Southern Hemisphere .................... 62 The Decans Applied to the Golden Dawn .................. 71 Six Charts Showing Sephiroth Points on a Solid Sphere .. 73 Movement of the Aces ................................... 77 Order of Movement of Elements .......................... 77 The Thread of Ain Soph ................................. 82 Hourglass Connection of Malkuth and Kether ............. 84 Direct Creeping Formula ................................ 86 Looped Formula ......................................... 87 Leaping Formula ........................................ 88 Revolving Formula ...................................... 89 Volume 10 THE ENOCHIAN SYSTEM An Introduction ........................................ 1 Enochian Numbers ....................................... 9 The Enochian Language .................................. 12 The Enochian System .................................... 17 General Notes on the Tarot Attributions ................ 31 The Book of the Concourse of the Forces ................ 38 The Enochian Tablets ................................... 47 The Forty-Eight Angelical Keys or Calls ................ 53 Titles of the Thirty Aethyrs ........................... 72 An Addendum ............................................ 75 Part 2 of the Addendum ................................. 58 Pyramid Gods and their Attributions .................... 95 Gods of Egypt and the Enochian Tablets ................. 98 Instruction on Chessmen ................................ 109 Chess and Tarot ........................................ 111 Numberical Structure of Enochian ....................... 128 Enochian Dictionary .................................... 143 Glossary ............................................... 165 TABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONS, DIAGRAMS AND CHARTS The Ring ............................................... 4 The Archangelic Square ................................. 4 Attributions ........................................... 5 Sigillum Dei Aemeth .................................... 7 Round Table of Nalvage ................................. 8 The Gematric Code ...................................... 9 Digital Code ........................................... 10 The Enochian Alphabet .................................. 18 Basic Arrangement of the Four Tablets .................. 19 The Formation of the Name of the King .................. 22 The King and Six Seniors ............................... 22 Attribution of Tetragrammaton to the Great Crosses ..... 24 The Great Cross of the Air Tablet ...................... 27 Upper Squares on the Sephirotic Crosses ................ 28 The Water Angle of the Air Tablet ...................... 29 Basic Attributions of Water Angel of the Air Tablet .... 30 Two Drawings of the Tablet of Union .................... 31 The Numbered Sides of a Truncated Pyramid .............. 33 Three Examples from the Unea Spiritus Sancti ........... 33 Two Further Examples from the Unea Spiritus Sancti ..... 34 A Sephirotic Cross ..................................... 35 Variant of the Sephirotic Cross ........................ 35 An Example of a Servient Square ........................ 36 An Example of a Square from the Tablet of Union ........ 37 Sigils of the Four Tablets ............................. 39 Arrangements of the Four Tablets and Lesser Angles ..... 41 Sphynx and Pyramid ..................................... 44 Directions for Making Pyramid .......................... 45 Angelic Figure ......................................... 46 Sphynx in Pyramid ...................................... 47 The Earth Angle of the Fire Tablet ..................... 48 Directions in Space for Use with Skrying ............... 49 Attributions of the Seniors to the Greek Cross ......... 51 Sigils of the Governers .............................. 81-82 Tablets with Sigils .................................... 83 Enochian Sigils and Names of Planets ................... 86 Baskets of Enochian Letters ............................ 87 Enochian Symbols of Malkuth ............................ 89 Angelic Sigil Azdobn ................................... 92 Angelic Names from Angelic Square ...................... 92 The Osiris Squares on All Four Tablets ................. 101 Zodiacal and Elemental Emblems of the Osiris Squares ... 103 Various Enochian Boards ............................ 116-125 ... 41 Cards Arranged as the Tree of Life ..................... 44 Final Horseshoe Layout ................................. 45 Brief Delineation of Small Cards ..................... 46-49 Brief Meaning of the Trumps .......................... 49-50 A Few Examples ....................................... 51-52 Star Map of the Northern Hemisphere .................... 61 Star Map of the Southern Hemisphere .................... 62 The Decans Applied to the Golden Dawn .................. 71 Six Cha