THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR also called the Law of the Aesir as set down by Kano Runstafr Odinsdottir Herein is the Law of the Aesir, called by some the Way of the Warrior, the law by which those of the North may conduct themselves in time of peace or war. It is a law that thralls and kings alike may follow, so long as they bring no dishonor to the the Gods of the Aesir thereby. Hear then the words of the Lawspeaker, and remember. The chiefest of all the laws is the law of Loyalty. From Loyalty do all the laws come, for loyalty is the most fundamental of all things. First there is the loyalty to the gods, those to whom you have made your vows of devotion. If you choose a geas as sacred duty, or if the gods require it of you, then keep to that geas for as long as you can. Only if the geas threatens your life or sanity should you break it. By so keeping the geas, you prove your faith in the gods and their faith in you. The second is the loyalty to your leader in war. When war comes, be not afraid, but do as your leaders tell you with a peaceful heart. Think before you strike, but if you must strike, make the blow so decisive that the fight is won. The third is the loyalty to your tribe. The welfare of the tribe as a whole comes before all other considerations. In all things consider the well-being of the tribe before you act, for what you do does not act upon you alone. In time of war, the protection and defense of the others in the tribe is the greatest of all concerns. If there are children, friends, mates who are not of the Way but are dear to you, then they too must be protected as one of the tribe. In time of peace, as in time of war, no request for aid from a fellow tribe member should be denied, whether magical or mundane, unless there is real and legitimate reason why you cannot provide aid. In all your journeyings, strive to do all things with fairness and lawfulness in word and deed. Do all things with honor: keep your promises always, speak not against another member of the tribe without sufficient cause or provable evidence, be courageous and clever in battle and show no cowardice. Keep yourself fit for battle, and let not your mind or body become dulled. Likewise, three things always do after battle before caring for yourself: care for your horse, your ship, your weapons and armor. Learn your particular craft well and share your knowledge with those of the tribe. But be on guard lest outsiders read of the knowing, for without the call of the gods they will not understand what they see, and they will be afraid and call you evil. But do not deny who and what you are, be proud and declare your faith in the Gods of Asgard, even if so declaring should cost you your life. No god is stronger or higher than another, so why should we cower when asked of our faith? There is honor in following the way of the gods who speak to you in your heart, and an offense to the gods to deny them. The young must be taught of our ways so that the learning is not lost. Those who can must teach and share their knowledge. First teach the young to listen to their innermost hearts, and to ask the gods to come and teach him of the Way. When he has found the Lord and Lady who have answered his call, then shall he make his vows to them and keep those vows for as long as life remains to him. Then he shall be taught the rituals of our way and taught to make and bond with his first tools and weapons. If he wishes to be a warrior, then let him study swordcraft, likewise the scholar to study magecraft and the healer to study herbcraft. If he turns to the teachings of another way, let him do so, for who is to say one way is better than another? Do not hinder him in his questing, but help him if he asks, and do not deny your knowledge. A road is a road no matter which way it runs. As to the tools of his learning, let him two books keep in his own writing. One is to contain that which he learns from his teachers, and the other to contain that which he discovers for himself. These and his weapons are all he requires to learn. When he has learned enough that he has begun to walk the Way of his choosing alone, then let him be initiated. But never should he cease to learn, or fail to hear the words of the gods. If another person of the Way should attack you without provocation then you are allowed to attack in kind. If another person of the Way whould attack one who is beloved of a member of the tribe but is not of the Way, then you are allowed to return the attack. This to include children, mates, soul-friends, and family. You may also attack to prevent an enemy from attacking one who is defenseless or one who is undeserving of such an attack. You may also attack in response to proven wrong-doing to an innocent or betrayal of sacred trust. If the enemy is a tribe member, then you may banish him. And the reasons for banishment are these: betrayal of another member of the tribe in such a way that the damage is long-term, life-threatening or irrepairable or if the damage of this sort is threatening to the children, mates, friends or family of a tribe member. Also you may banish a tribe member for damage of a mental or emotional nature that threatens the life or sanity of a tribe member or their children, mates, friends or family. The banishings or attacks are to be voted upon by the members of the tribe save the one who is to be banished. In cases of extreme turmoil involving the entire tribe, it is best to seek an outside person of wisdom to arbitrate, and the tribe to abide by his decision. The Way is a way of tradition, and in loyalty to the Gods of the Aesir we keep the eight festivals of the year. The first and greatest of these is Samhain, for at this time do we honor those who have gone on to Asgard and the battles of Ragnarok to follow. The second is Yule; the third is MidWinter; the fourth is Beltain, the feast of spring and the goddesses of life, and this to be kept to balance the powers of death, as all rituals of the summer are kept. The fifth is MidSummer; the sixth is Lunasa; the seventh is Mabon. And then the year turns again at Samhain. These festivals keep in some form, even if only to spare a thought and prayer to the gods on these days, to mark the turning of the year. If you wish you may keep the full moons and new moons as you see fit or as your geas requires. Know also that the gods will welcome you no matter when or how you honor them, so long as the intent is truly praise and honor. This then is the Law of the Aesir, the Way of the Warrior. Keep them in faith and love of the AllFather and prepare always for Ragnarok. Set down this day August 16, 1992, by my hand, Kano Runstafr Odisdottir.