TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT Presents: YIDDUSH YOGA THIRTEEN TOOLS TOWARD ENLIGHTENMENT A unique, amazing, original home study program DEVELOP A GREATER AWARENESS OF SELF. AID YOURSELF IN HEALING. GAIN KNOWLEDGE AND OVERCOME OBSTACLES IN LIVING. 7000 Years Ago, five Rabbis sat quietly discussing the answers that plagued mankind since the creation. They collected the combined knowledge of eighteen cultures and civilizations. From Mesopotamia, Sumaria, Phoenecia, and Egypt came the mythos of universal truth. Five Rabbis codified it, clarified it and presented it within the pages of a set of books known as the Zohar. To all outward appearances, these Rabbis were simply discussing the weather, farming and the general conversation between scholars. But, once delving into the nature of their work, one soon will discover a code unravelling the secrets of life itself. The great Caballistic glyph Otz Chaim, or The Tree of Life, was developed, discussed and decoded based upon the revelations contained within the first five biblical books of the Old Testament. The average person planning a vacation trip will often delve through numerous flyers, brochures and travel books to form a "road map" for travel. This program offers a "road map" through the greatest trip of all, that of life itself. This program is composed of 11 amazing lessons revealing the biblical code in simple form. It relates the nature of creation, of the DNA code, of the wisdom lying within each and every one of Earth's living creatures; the greatest of all being our human family. At the end of each lesson there are questions to be answered and/or exercises to be completed. Send in your answers for review and grading by the author and Pastor Dr. Jerome Peartree. Adding to the basic 11 lessons you will receive 3 additional supplements containing a series of questions and answers between the author and his students. Herein is contained the finishing touches to secrets heretofore a mystery, now clearly revealed to the dedicated seeker and finder, to the sincere student of the occult. This is a worthwhile addition to everyone's library. It will enhance the Wiccan, the Ceremonial Magickian, the Pagan. Use it to gain new insights in living and worshipping the God and the Goddess. It is our sincere wish for every member of the human family to be a vehicle for the manisfestation of inner light. To this end these lessons have been created. Now it is up to You! Your desire to succeed. Your interest in prosperity. Your worship of self. Send for these lessons NOW! Temple of the Eternal Light requests a $10.00 registration donation and a $10.00 donation for each of the eleven lessons. The remaining supplements are sent without charge. SEND YOUR DONATION NOW! TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET , BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, 11230-2104 __________________________________________________________________ I would like to enroll in Thirteen Tools Toward Enlightenment Home Study program. Here is my initial $20.00 donation. NAME.......................................................... PHONE #................................ ADDRESS....................................................................... CITY.................................................. STATE................ ZIP........................