POINTS OF LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET VOLUME V #1 Brooklyn, New York 11230-2116 Copyright 1991 by: Temple of the Eternal Light (718) 438-4878 An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship ****************************************************************** WELCOME ALL READERS. POINTS OF LIGHT is the monthly newsletter of TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT. It is an open forum for anyone to send in articles, poetry, short, short, stories, advertising or anything else. We desire it to blossom into a cornucopia of fact, or fantasy relating to modern magickal living, spiritual growth and a network linking all members of our human family by a chain of fellowship. With wishes for Love and L.V.X. Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePolito, Editor ****************************************************************** OPEN INVITATION TO ALL This event is open to both members and non-members. Please call a day in advance and let us know you are coming. SATURDAY, January 25, 1992 at 8:00 P.M. ANNUAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING - Share with us ideas and ideals for future Temple growth. Open to both members and non-members. SATURDAY, February 1, at 8:00 P.M. CANDLEMAS SABBAT Bring some food and drink! Donation: $1.00(optional) ****************************************************************** REALIZATION OF TIPHERETH GUIDE by Jerome Peartree INTRODUCTION The following series of suggestions are designed to allow an individual to directly control the many changes continuously occurring in one's lifetime and to begin the transition From To Column A Column B Controlled Controller Sheep Wolf.... ego ridden Free guilt laden Pleasure accepting Financially Poor Prosperous Sad Happy (choose one from column A and one from column B) It is necessary to integrate these suggestions into your life...in thought, in word and in action. READ ON>>>>Seeker of TRUTH PROLOGUE: A seeker always seeks......only a finder finds. To Know is to Act. Read the following without judgement, bias, partiality or agreement. Simply read.. 1. Suggestion #1: Anyone can experience financial security, sexual pleasure, consistent and continual happiness by satisfying one's own basic and inner needs ie: shelter, food, family or friends, 2. Suggestion #2: To attain true freedom one's goals and needs are satisfied through rational thought and actions. Actions that are beneficial to the individual. 3. Suggestion #3: All actions that are beneficial to the individual can be determined by an increased self-esteem. 4. Suggestion #4: Only by allowing one's self to serve one's self can anyone serve others best. 5. Suggestion #5: Everyone has the right of free choice. Everyone has the need to choose everything and anything and to feel one is free to choose that which is most beneficial to one's self. 6. Suggestion #6: Everyone has within a child like nature retained from youth. When the individual breaks free from those who are hurting, or controlling him/her the child will kindle a new life of adventure and discovery. 7. Suggestion #7: Everyone is presently creating his/her own life. Everything around you is a reflection of that creation. 8. Suggestion #8: Through rational and beneficial action an individual can consciously take control of his/her life. 9. Suggestion #9 It is important to distinguish the difference and similarities between sympathy, empathy, apathy and indifference. Only by being truly empathetic can one be free of guilt, fear and anxiety. 10. Suggestion #10: It is acceptable to have non-rational feelings and/or emotions. It is inappropriate to act upon them. example: One can think or feel like kiling a lover...But, to do it is a criminal offense...not to mention the loss of your lover. COROLLARIES a. All human persons, past, present and future, are created Good. There is a place in this world for everyone. b. Badness or evil is an emotional judgement. Thinking, feeling or acting on the premise that anyone is bad or evil is not beneficial to one's own happiness or growth. c. Breaking free of guilt, anxiety or fear requires accepting those who seek to control you without accepting their control. Think, Feel, Act only on your own rational direction. d. Understand your limitations, accept them ...then exceed them through your own actions. e. Listen and obey yourself...Do not listen to others who seek to influence or control you.. Make up your own mind about everything. f. Do not say: "I do not know" without saying: "I will find out." g. Always remain dynamically committed to learning about yourself by: reading, studying, speaking with others, observing yourself and acting accordingly to allow your feelings of self-esteem and values to grow. h. Begin each day as if it were the last day of your life.. put everything you have into each moment. REMEMBER: You are the creator of your life...and its sole judge...create happiness in your life daily. Selfishness is freedom is service to others. THE MOST SELFISH ACT ONE CAN PERFORM IS TO FREELY OFFER YOUR SERVICES TO ANOTHER. READ THESE PAGES ALOUD TWICE DAILY AS AN AFFIRMATION OF INNER FREEDOM. AN INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE Seldom does the Temple request donations for its services. However, printing and mailing costs continue to rise excessively. Therefore, I am requesting One Dollar from everyone and anyone wishing to assist the Temple in continuing this monthly Newsletter, "Points of Light" Our mailing list is bursting and, frankly, we would like to reduce the number of copies mailed. Particularly, if you do not read it or do not appreciate its content. Therefore, I ask you to clip off this coupon below and return it to the Temple to indicate your continuing interest. Kindly include One dollar (more if you like) to assist with the postage and printing costs. However, the dollar is not mandatory. We enjoy knowing that you like our newsletter and wish to continue to receive it. Thank you. Yes, I would like to continue receiving "Points of Light" Print your name address city state zip code Enclosed is my One Dollar donation.