46 (el)u80icf37(el)u89 1. (el)itlA Syllabus of the Official Instructions of the A...(el)A..5.. Hitherto Published, The Equinox I(10), (New York: Weiser, 1972), pp. 43(ss)-47. (el)ica1 2. (el)itlThe Confessions of Aleister Crowley, ed. Symonds and Grant (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982), pp. 673(ss)-4. (el)ica1 3. (el)itlA Syllabus of the Official Instructions of the A...(el)A... Hitherto Published, (el)f37loc. cit., pp. 53(ss)-56. (el)ica1 4. (el)itlPraemonstrance of A...(el)A.(el)b5.5.. and Curriculum of A...(el)A.(el)b5.5.., The Equinox III(1), (New York: Weiser, 1972), pp. 11(ss)-38. (el)ica1 5. (el)itlPreliminary Analysis of Liber LXV, Sothis I(?) (St. Albans, Herts., 19??), pp. ??(ss)-??. (el)ica1 6. (el)itlThe Equinox of the Gods (London: O.T.O., 1936), pp. 104(ss)-5. (el)ica1 7. (el)itlMagical and Philosophical Commentaries on the Book of the Law, ed. Symonds and Grant (Montre(ss)qal: 93 Publishing, 1974), p. ???. (el)ica1 8. (el)itlThe Equinox of the Gods, op. cit.(el)f36, p. 134. (el)ica1 9. (el)itlThe Confessions of Aleister Crowley, 7op. cit., p. 399. (el)ica110. (el)itlThe Confessions of Aleister Crowley, 7op. cit., p. ???. (el)ica111. (el)itlThe Confessions of Aleister Crowley, 7op. cit., p. 308. (el)ica112. (el)itlIndex to Volume One, The Equinox I(10), (New York: Weiser, 1972), pp. ???(ss)-???. (el)ica113. (el)itlLiber XXX rum Vel Saeculi Sub Figura(ss)e CDXVIII The Vision and the Voice, with a Commentary by The Master Therion (Barstow, Calif.: Thelema Publishing Co., 1952), p. 43n.