A Suggestive Inquiry: Into The Royal Art! 1 From: The Magical Record of the Beast 666 (Rex de Arte Regia): 1916-1918 p.45. Op. 65. 7 Nov. 1916. Assistant: Anna Grey Object: Help for Soror L.W. t {Tau} Details prohibited under Section XI. Result: immediate success. p.45. Op. 66. 9 Nov. 1916. Assistant: Anna Grey. Object: Glory to F {Phi} Operation: XIø. p.45. Op. 67. 12 Nov. 1916. Assistant: Doris Gomez. Object : Wealth. Operation: XIø in D {fire triangle -- with tiny 3 inside} Operation and Elixir wonderful. Result: immediate receipt of largest sum I have handled in 12 months. p.46. Op. 73. 22 Nov. 1916. Object: wealth. Operation XIø. Sudden and unadvised. Brief but magnificent. Elixir A1. p.46. Op. 74. 24 Nov. 1916. Object: Wealth. Operation XIø cum cVc {Kaph Vau Kaph}. Marvellous, good, Elixir A1 p.47. Op. 78. 3 Dec. 1916 Object: wealth. Operation XIø aided by cVc {Kaph Vau Kaph}. perfectly marvellous. p.51. Op. XI. Aug 11. 1917 Assistant: Anita. Object: success to Simon Iff stories. XIø, 33ø. Operation: superb. Elixir: strong & fine. p.51. Op. 13. 13 Aug. 1917 Lionel Q.... Object fully formulated. Operation: pD {Pe} Therion. Details prohibited under Baphomet XIø, 33ø. p.53. Op. 22. 26 Aug. 1917 Siddhi begins. Assistant: Anna Katherine Miller, the Dog. Object: the siddhi. Operation admirable but Elixir not good. I am quite inclined to believe that the XIø is better than the IXø. Mental concentration not very good. p.66 Op. 45. 4 Jan. 1918. Assistant: As III and Walter Object: in affirmation of the most holy trinity to whom be praise and glory and thanksgiving unto the Ages, World without End, Amoun. Operation: III and Walter prepared an Elixir of astonishing strength and sweetness. Then W. made B. XIø then III. Result: [Not given.] p.66. Op. 49. 12 Jan. 1918. Assistant: Anna and Walter. Object: Sex force and attraction. Operation: XIø tD {Tau} Walter in D {fire triangle} with III. Admirable. Elixir as usual in these operations but I had also 9 {moon & water triangle) to mingle with 6 {sun} Agni [N.B.:] p. 49. Op.2. 17 April 1917. Howard p {Pe}. Details prohibited under Baphomet 33ø No object: taken by surprise. 2 From: Liber LII, The Manifesto of the O.T.O. Blue Equinox, 1919, p. 196 O.T.O. Issued by Order: Baphomet XIø O.T.O HIBERNIAE IONAE ET OMNIUM BRITANNIARUM REX SUMMUS SANCTISSIMUS (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 153) 3 From: Blue Equinox, 1919. Plate facing p. 197 Baphomet XI OTO Supreme and Holy King of Ireland, Iaona and all the Britains That are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Ghost Grand Master of the Knights of the Temple Custos of the Illuminati in the United States of America Etc. Etc. Etc. (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 206) 4 From: Liber CI, An Open Letter: 1919 O.T.O. Issued by Order: Baphomet XIø O.T.O HIBERNIAE IONAE ET OMNIUM BRITANNIARUM REX SUMMUS SANCTISSIMUS (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 161) 5 From: Blue Equinox, p. 226; Liber CLXI, Concerning the Law of Thelema: 1919 O.T.O. Issued by Order: Baphomet XIø O.T.O HIBERNIAE IONAE ET OMNIUM BRITANNIARUM REX SUMMUS SANCTISSIMUS (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 145) 6 From: Blue Equinox, p. 240; Liber CXCIV, An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order: 1919 O.T.O. Issued by Order: Baphomet XIø O.T.O HIBERNIAE IONAE ET OMNIUM BRITANNIARUM REX SUMMUS SANCTISSIMUS (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 173) 7 From: Blue Equinox, pp.244-245; Book 194, An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order: 1919 28. Of the Eleventh degree, its powers, privileges, and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the order, is inscrutable, and dwells is its own Palaces. (reprinted in Equinox III(10), p. 177.) 8 From: Blue Equinox, pp.248; Book 15, Ecclesia Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae: 1919 O.T.O. Issued by Order: Baphomet XIø O.T.O HIBERNIAE IONAE ET OMNIUM BRITANNIARUM REX SUMMUS SANCTISSIMUS (Ritual reprinted in Equinox III(10), pp. 123ff, without Issued by Order page.) 9 From: The Book of the Cephaloedium Working: 1920 {Die 6, An. XVI, 6 in 6øs, 9 in 16øC} (Published in Mezla 5 & 6); Now on the day of the Sun, in this the Sixteenth Year of the Aeon, when He stood in the 6th Degree of the Sign Sagitarius, whose letter hath the value of Sixty, the Moon being in the 16th Degree of the Sign Cancer whose letter hath the value 8, did the Beast 666 To Mega Therion a Magus of the A:.A:. Baphomet 729 the Supreme Holy King of Ireland, Iona & all the Britains that are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis Xø O.T.O. avatar of Bacchus Diphues in the Place of the XIø O.T.O. Logos of the Aeon of Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Grand Master of the Knights of the Temple, Eidolon of the Rosy Cross, Alastor The Destroyer Spirit of Solitude, Wanderer of the Waste, of the Blood of Kerval Arch-Druids Hereditary of the Oak, whose Holy Angel his Guardian id Aiwass 93, the God first dawning upon Man in the land of Sumer, whose brow weareth the wreath unfading of the Bards of English Speech, whose breast beareth the token adventure upon Mountains beyond any beyond any Man ofhis fellows, whose body and blood bear witness of the wounds of Astarte, & the shames of Priapus, even I in the Abbey of Thelema at Cephaloedium that am hidden, did convene therein to counsel Alostrael, 31-666-31, the Scarlet Woman Lea my concubine, in whom is all power given, sworn unto Aiwaz, prostituted in every part of her body to Pan & to the Beast, mother of Bastards, aborter, whore to herself, to man, woman, child & brute, partaker of the Eucharist of Excrements in the Mass of the Devil, Sorceress of the Rite of Esau & Jacob, & also Genesthai, 143, a Neophyte of A:.A:. a Master Magician of O.T.O. & a Passed Postulant to the Secret Chamber of the Knights of the Temple, High Priest unto the Beast before the Altar of Purple & Gold. 10 From: Liber CXIII, Part One: The Fountain of Hyacinth 20 Feb. 1922 9:00AM Woke very succinctly, my chest still raw and distressed, but a voice in my ears, clear as ever came to me in my life and apropos of nothing: NOTJZJB Now the Yi had indicated this before and I had found excuses to dodge it. I don't like the idea even now since fully awake. But I have cleared up the Fontainbleau formula about Poupe(ace)e, I think, with Mark Twain's story "The Fine Loom of Life" (?) and NOTJZJP means (twitching my mantle blue?) "Weep no more, gentle shepherd, weep no more." offers the best possible conditions for the rest of my cure, including the IXø -- XIø remedy and is in all ways rationally indicated. With my habitual prudence, ask Thelema for an oracle. I bet VIII I.53. The applicability of the passage may or may not be discernible by those who are not initiates of the VIø of O.T.O. It may involve my death, as "an enchantment to unbind the bound." 11 From: The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley: 1923 p. 25; 26 May, Die Saturn 1:21 p.m. Worked till after midnight: a rather valuable piece of work, including one perfectly frightful glimpse of Reality -- a corner lifted of the veil for the first time in my life in that particular way. I have now no idea at all of what I saw, or indeed of quite what I mean by the entry: it is something of a nature altogether new to me. Hitherto I have always been able to make some sort of a shot at giving intelligible expressions to my experiences. Probably the word 'frightful' is equivalent to 'ignotus' but I remember asking myself at the time whether that comment might not be the optimism of Panic Fear. I have had several others, by the way, in the last fortnight that I can get whenever I choose to enter into an unexpected universe far deeper than anything yet shown by Samadhi: and I must confess to something very like the most godless FUNK whenever I approach the . . . turn. (I instantly pull myself together and swear to go on: but by that time the Veil is down again.) Stories like Kipling's At the End of the Passage -- yes, there are no doubt horrors which put Magdelen Blair in a class with Sophia Western -- every grade is encompassed with its own set, and each demands its own formula of initiation, to turn them into Beauty. I think tonight's work has shown me the task in hand: to complete the synthesis of myself as the Crowned and Conquering Child, born from the Abyss by Our Lady Babalon, but not yet come to puberty, the sense of the Ego as uniting the e various impressions of childhood. When I do this -- and not till then -- I shall be truly the Creative Energy that I have at present no more than all the symptoms of becoming. Later continued the above meditation during day. Yes: this is the full meaning of COAGULA in 'Solve et Coagula' as the formula of the great work of initiation. Kakgula = 525. Solfe =311. 525 plus 311 = 836 = 2 * 418 The task seems to me one of those that are theoretically impossible: that is, to accomplish consciously: one hardly sees how to set it about. Yet it should be similar to that of finding the True Will by Sammasati. It may be the assimilation of the Will by the unconscious. I think the XIø to this end -- combined with 'Youth' once more -- should help. p.26; 27 May, Die Sol 1:11 a.m. I spent this evening in Tunis -- very uneasy, probably owing to a thunderstorm brewing: when it broke, I became joyous as usual, and even began to look for a way to work the XIø. p. 51; 4 June, Die Mars 11:44 p.m. I have been talking to Leah about my sexual life & comparing certain recent troubles with my refusal to climb the Alps after having been to Chogo Ri. It is an essential part of my character, & indeed the Master Key to my whole career, that I simply cannot do anything (however easy in appearance) which does not promise an achievement beyond anything I have ever attained before. Hence the tragedy of Hilarion broke my heart; Alostrael succeeded in mending it at last; & then the Gods smashed it by killing our babies. Their idea was doubtless to prevent me being distracted from my Work as Logos. The result in any case has been to disenchant me with sex altogether. I can't even take an interest in it on IXø & XIø grounds . . . Well, the upshot is with them. p. 66; 16 June, Die Saturn 5 p.m. One of my worst amartia has been (from my shyness, Gunh again!) to fail to act according to my Kingship. In future I shall issue orders without explanation: Alostrael will cause them to be executed. O.P.V. transmitting them will explain when necessary. I will be really unapproachable (in my kingly functions, of course) & exact due homage. I will regard myself as travelling incognito, so far as ordinary people are concerned, but be august as to those with whom I am in magical relations. Met Shabdomar on board -- 'love at first sight'. He is Energy incarnate; I shall use him to set various small matters going. My work [XIø] with him will aim at the overcoming of those defects in myself & external obstacles which have prevented me from coming into my Kingdom as The Beast. p. 69; 17 June, Die Sol 11:22 p.m. Rosa [baphomet cross] Crux: Shabmodar XIø OPUS I phegion tersonai [phegion tersonai -- Burning Spear] Baphomet, XIø, O.H.O. WEAPONS: Calix Sancta /5foinix/6 [Phoenix] O.H.O. Hasta Sanctus Melas [Melas -- Black] Shab. OPUS: Dulce: amore plenum. Telos [Telos -- End]: Increase of moral control of my mind to enable me to resist pressure from bodily sources tending to interfere with my due & efficient performance of the Great Work. (Special reference to disease, need of stimulants, natural fatigue & loss of ability to sleep & wake at will.) ELIXIR: Delicate, sweet & aromatic. RESULT: (Thursday following) after the instantaneous reaction the current began to flow silently. I have had practically no craving, and am down to 2 doses today. Dyspnoea etc. have disappeared almost completely; also the mental depression, anxiety & loss of control. p. 93; 21 July, Die Saturn 12:12 a.m. Hail to Kheph-Ra! I am now going to test CCXX, II, 22 -- its limits -- by using [Heroin] to concentrate on getting the IXø or XIø going. I.e., I ask for (a) the impulse; (b) the means. I do this under the Title of OPUSCULUM I, at 12:21 a.m. I am concentrated for about 3 minutes, going over certain imaginations, & killing out various inhibitions. I got below consciousness at last, so as to destroy `purpose' & `lust of result'. My hope (then) is that my Will, directed by the Idea of the Opusculum, was released & flowed spontaneously. I must make a point of giving the Gods an opportunity to accomplish the Work in a `natural' way. 3:21 p.m. I note that I am perfectly content to watch the Italian Comedy of Pan, with Mussolini as the `goat'. His `ubris {Hubris}, his insane boastfulness, his arbitrary tyrannies, his secret slavishness -- the whole play is brilliantly staged, & I wouldn't hurry it or interfere (unless called upon) for the world. It is delightful to watch the daily developments. On Monday next he is billed to tell the world how he means to run the affairs of England & France -- he can lift Kithairon with his little finger! G.S. for my proposed Retirement: general idea, methods, aims, probable results. Question of seeing Bertrand at Hamman Lif: IXø or XIø, &c. ßßßßß ßßßßß [Water/Fire] ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Sui [Hexagram] XVII ßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß ``Following'' (Projection of the Will 666.) Thwan: Persevere. 1. Go `beyond gate' (Marsa) change `object of pursuit' (Exact description of whole plan!) 2. Be irresponsible. `Cleave to the little boy!!!' 3. Remember the object of my journey (?) 4. Qy interest English at Hamman-Lif in G.W. (?) 5. 6. Perform Opus I. p. 95; 23 July, Die Luna 11:44 p.m. Let me consider my state at the beginning of Sui. 1. My general health, nerves & all, is very much better. 2. I have gone back to [heroin], but the worst of the fear is gone. 3. I must be alone if I am to conceive or create. The presence of any other person in my circle--the dearer and more intimate the worse it is--acts as a total inhibition. For I am content to work with that person; also, I feel that he or she might disturb me if I begin a big thing, & simply to say `Keep away' would stop me through fear of failure to produce justification. 4. Lines 2 & 3 of Sui seem to urge me to begin an XIø working (The prologue to La Collier de la Reine suggests this too. It is quite time for me to use the Elixir readily & properly. Cagliostro is made to discuss the question very sensibly; also, his account squares with the doctrine of the O.T.O. & with my own experience). But these lines certainly bid me act like a school-boy on a holiday. I proposeto take an Oracle for the L.M.R. & to ask definite questions about XIø & Hamman-Lif (lines 1, 4, & 5--the English at Hamman-Lif). ORACLE: LXV, V, 7 `proud' (The Comment on LXV has got just to this verse!) Meaning: I shall proclaim Hoor--in a poem, I imagine. I shall find a girl to love. The rest is somewhat obscure; the event should enlighten mine understanding. Shall I seek associate or associates for IXø or XIø or both? If so, describe such; & advise as to the method. Object & Result. ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß Earth/Earth ßßßßß ßßßßß Kan [Hexagram] LII ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß Thwan:? I cannot in any way interpret this symbol. I felt, while manipulating the sticks, that my concentration was bad: that my question was too complex, &c. I will rest, worship Hadit, ad hoc, & repeat. Differently! p. 98; 24 July, Die Mars 3:15 p.m. My plans for L.M.R. Write O.P.V. to extend time. Try Arab quarter for preliminary `nourishment'. Resistance immense. Chess Club: Try to say something nice about Jews. No Jews present. Try Avenue: both IXø & XIø. Blank. Maison Doree: Blank. p. 102; 27 July, Die Venus 12:25 a.m. Notes on XI. The Magus is [IH] providing the Energy & and the Substance of the Pantacle. The Virgin is [HV] recieving & interpreting & also expressing it intellectually & impressing that idea upon the Coin. Aiwass is of course [Sh] harmonising all four, & inspiring the whole conception & execution. 12 From: Diary: 1924 Thursday 6th {Nov. 1924} XIø "Good Health and spirits for D.O.". -- Success 13 From: The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: 1929 p.704; The Xø as in the old system is merely honorary, but recent researches into the mysteries of the IXø have compelled me to add an XIø to illustrate a scientific idea which has been evolved by the results of recent experiments. (reprinted as "What is Freemasonry?" in Equinox III(10), p.205. 14 From: Magick in Theory & Practice: 1929 EV (Paris, Castle, and Dover) p.27. Footnote 1 1The initiate of the XIø of O.T.O. will remark that there is a totally different formula of ALIM, complementary with that here discussed. 81 may be regarded as a number of Yesod rather than of Luna. The actual meaning of the word may be taken as indicating the formula. Aleph may be refered to Harpocrates, with allusion to the well known poem of Catullus. Lamed may imply the exaltation of Saturn, and suggest the Three of Swords in a particular manner. Yod will then recall Hermes and Mem the Hanged Man. We have thus a Tetragrammaton which contains no feminine component. The initial Force is here the Holy Spirit and its vehicle or weapon the Sword and Balances. Justice is then done upon the Mercurial Virgin with the result that the man is hanged or extended and is slain in this manner. Such an operation makes creation impossible -- as in the former case; but here there is no question of rearrangement; the creative force is employed deliberately for destruction, and is entirely absorbed in its own sphere ( or cylinder, on Einstein's equations) of action. This work is to be regarded as holiness to the Lord. The Hebrews, in fact, conferred the title of Qadosh (holy) upon its adepts. Its effect is to consecrate the magicians who perform it in a very special way. We may take note also of the correspondence Nine with Teth, XI Leo and the Serpent. The great merits of this formula are that it avoids contact with the inferior planes, that it is self-sufficient, that it involves no responsibilities, and that it leaves its masters not only stronger in themselves, but wholly free to fulfill their essential natures. Its abuse is an abomination. 15 From: The Book of Thoth: 1944 P.108 (ATU XVI) The dominating feature of this card is the Eye of Horus. This is also the Eye of Shiva, on the opening of which, according to the legend of this cult, the universe is destroyed. Besides this, there is a special technical magical meaning, which is explained openly only to initiates of the Eleventh Degree of the O.T.O.; a grade so secret that it is not even listed in the official documents. It is not even to be understood by study of the eye in Atu XV. Perhaps it is lawful to mention that the Arab sages and Persian poets have written, not always guardedly, on the subject. {Init on the Night of the Feast of the Rite by Sapfw, XIø and The Fox.}