*KýX€L@Ô` ¥ Sanhedrin 52b?MISHNAH. STRANGULATION WAS THUS PERFORMED: THE CONDEMNED MAN ?WAS LOWERED INTO DUNG UP TO HIS ARMPITS, THEN A HARD CLOTH WAS APLACED WITHIN A SOFT ONE, WOUND ROUND HIS NECK, AND THE TWO ENDS 0PULLED IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS UNTIL HE WAS DEAD. GGEMARA: Our Rabbis taught: [And the man that committeth adultery with Janother manÕs wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbourÕs Mwife, the adulterer and the adulteresss shall surely be put to death]. ÔThe ImanÕ excludes a minor; Ôthat committeth adultery with another mans wifeÕ Iexcludes the wife of a minor; Ôeven he that committeth adultery with his Hneighbours wifeÕ excludes the wife of a heathen; Ôshall surly be put to MdeathÕ, by strangulation. You say, by strangulation; but perhaps one of the Fother deaths decreed by the Torah is meant here? I will answer you: EWhenever the Torah decrees an unspecified death penalty, you may not Pinterpret it stringently but leniently: this is R. JosiahÕs view. R. Jonathan Ksaid: Not because strangulation is the most lenient death, but because by Devery unspecified death in the Torah strangulation is meant. Rabbi D[procededing to demonstrate this] said Death by God is mentioned in GScripture; and death by man is also decreed. Just as the death by God Jleaves no mark [of violence on the body], so also death by man must leave Nno mark [of violence], a condition which only strangling fulfils. But may it Jnot apply to burning?--Since the Divine Law explicity decreed burning for Fa priests adulterous daughter, it follows that the adulterous married 1[Israelite] woman is not put to death by burning.   Sanhedrin 53aBMISHNA: THE FOLLOWING ARE STONED: HE WHO COMMITS INCEST WITH HIS CMOTHER, HIS FATHERÕS WIFE, OR HIS DAUGHTER-IN-LAW; HE WHO SEXUALLY >ABUSES A MALE OR BEAST; A WOMAN WHO COMMITS BESTIALITY WITH A >BEAST; A BLASPHEMER; AN IDOLATER; HE WHO GIVES OF HIS SEED TO :MOLECH; A NECROMANCER OR A WIZARD; ONE WHO DESECRATES THE