Energy and Crystal Work Book Compiled By Greg Booras TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Grounding and Centering Exercises Do-In a. Drumming b. Mini-Balance c. Cross Crawl d. Frontal Occipital Holding e. Chanting to raise your vibration II. The Five Bodies III. Chakras a. What are the chakras b. Description of the chakras IV. Meridian Lines V. Aura Scanning VI. Basic use of crystals a. Grounding exercise b. Selecting a crystal c. Cleansing your crystal d. Charging your crystal e. Clearing your crystal f. Programming your crystal VII. Combing out the Aura IIX. Aura Attunement IX. Laying of Stones X. Chakra Balancing XI. Illustrations XII. Questions and Answers XIII. Reference Material XIV. Description and list of healing stones XV. Notes Introduction The following information has been compiled from many sources. I felt a workbook was needed that covered the basic facts in a easy to read format. Please enjoy the work book and if you have any suggestions or input feel free to contact me. One of the most important things to remember when working with your self or another is the intent. If your intent is proper, then you can even do a procedure incorrectly and it will work. If you find that doing a procedure differently works better for you, then do whatever feels right. Drumming exercise: Drumming is used to center and ground yourself. Becoming centered will bring back any of your scattered energy and will allow you to feel relaxed and whole. You will also become grounded and this will allow to to feel your connection with the mother earth. Make light fists and start drumming from the top left side of your head, continuing down the side, including the ear and neck. After you have repeated this exercise 3 times drum the right side of your head. Now cup your hands and finger drum your forehead, your face and your neck. Repeat 3 times. Grab your ears at the top and pull up, then grab your ears at the center and pull out, then grab the lobe and pull down. Repeat 3 times. Make a light fist with your right hand and drum down the left side of your neck, down the outside of your arm and then up the inside. After you have completed this exercise three times make a fist with your left hand and drum down your right side. Repeat 3 times. With both of your fists drum down the left side of your chest to your solar plexus 3 times then drum down the right side of your chest 3 times.. Now in a kneeling position make a fist with both of your hands and place them on the left and right side of your groin. Now inhale, and as you are bending over to the floor, exhale all of your air out. Repeat 3 times. Still in a kneeling position and with both of your hands stretched out straight and strong, turn them in ward and place them 2 inches above the left and the right side of your groin. Now inhale, and as you are bending over to the floor exhale all of your air out. Repeat 3 times. Kneeling and with stretched fingers place them under the left and right hand side of the rib cage. Take a deep breath and exhale as you bend over to the floor. Repeat 3 times. In a sitting position make a light fist and drum your left leg with your right hand. Drum down the outside of your leg around the foot and up the inside of your leg. Repeat 3 times then drum your right leg with you left hand 3 times. This exercise will require the help of a friend to complete. In a sitting position have your friend make light fists and drum down the left side of your back. Repeat 3 times then have your friend do the same on the right side. Now have your friend cup both hands and drum up and down your spine at least 3 times. Mini-Balance a. Place hand over navel. With thumb and index finger of other hand rub up and down on either side of sternum below the collar bones. Rub 12 times then reverse hands. b. One hand over navel. Thumb of other hand below lower lip. Index finger above upper lip. Rub fingers back and forth 12 times. Reverse hands. c. One hand over navel. The other hand rubs up and down on coccyx Bone (tail bone) 12 times. Reverse hands. Cross Crawl A very slow march movement alternating opposite arms and legs. Do the movement until the arms and legs feel coordinated. Frontal Occipital Holding a. Place one hand across forehead. Place other hand across the occipital area. b. Close eyes. c. Breathe in through the nose taking a full breath. Breathe out slowly through the mouth. Do this 3 to 5 times. d. Continue to hold this position until you feel, sense or know that the energy has smoothed or calmed. Chanting to Raise your Vibrations Chanting stimulates the flow of your vibrations and energizes them for you. Chant the following 3 times except for the last chant which should be repeated until you feel it time to stop. Mo-Raa-Ah This is used to balance between the male and female vibrational expressions. A-LE-U, BA-O This chant prepares the persons vibrations for meditation and for learning. YO-OOH-DA This chant is the sound of God Within O-OH-DA, FAA-RO Aligns you with frequencies of the nature spirits. OM Is the universal Chant, for a higher vibration. The Five Bodies Most people are aware of their physical body only. When dealing with metaphysics, there are actually five bodies. They are as follows: Physical body - is what you see and touch. Etheric Body - is one inch from your physical body and is effected by the same things that effect your physical body. Astral body - surrounds the etheric body and is effect by your emotions. Mental body - surrounds the astral body and is effected by your thoughts. Causal Body - surrounds all your bodies and is effected by your higher mental thoughts such as prayers. The Chakras We will be discussing the 7 major chakras: Base or root chakra Navel Chakra Solar Plexus Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Crown Chakra The chakras are force centers that appear as multi colored spoked wheels to those that can see them. The chakras are points of energy that transform, absorb, filter and distribute vitality to the etheric and physical body. If your one of your chakras is under developed, you may have problems dealing with issues in your life. For example if your heart chakra was not fully developed, you may have problems dealing with love or your emotions. When your chakras are in balance and fully developed you will live a full and rewarding life. Each chakra has a color that is associated with it, there are many opinions on what the actual colors are. The following is a list of the seven major chakras: The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The colors associated with this center are red and black. This center is mostly concerned with basic survival. The second chakra is the navel chakra and is located at the navel. The colors associated with this center are red and orange. This center is mostly concerned with use of will. The third chakra is the solar plexus and is located about 2 inches above the navel. The colors associated with this center are yellow and green. This center is mostly concerned with your source of energy or well being. The forth chakra is the heart chakra and is located about 2 inches above the solar plexus. The colors associated with this center are pink and yellow. This center is mostly concerned with emotion. The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and is located at the indentation of the neck. The color associated with this center is blue. This is the communication center. The sixth chakra is the third eye and is located in the middle of the forehead. The colors associated with this center are indigo and purple. This center is mostly concerned with inner sight. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra and is located at the top of your head. The colors associated with this center are clear and violet. This center is mostly concerned with the highest knowledge ad wisdom. Meridian Lines Meridian lines consist of the energy flow of your body. This energy flows in a pattern or direction. Looking at the diagram notice the body and the direction of the meridian lines. Now take your hands and rub them together. When your hands have become sensitive follow your meridian lines around your body three times. Being aware of the flow of the meridian lines will help you to improve your healing skills. The Aura The Aura is a invisible fluid that surrounds all things. In pictures of Christ the halo surrounding his head was an aura. Some feel that only gifted healers are able to see the aura. I believe that with practice it is possible for anyone to see the aura. Aura Scanning Have the person to be scanned sit in a chair or lay flat on a table. Allow them to become relaxed and then center and clear yourself. Rub your hands together quickly until they become hot and then separate them and feel the vibrations. Then slowly approach the person to be scanned. Place your hands over the body and quickly scan the persons aura. Take notice of any hot or cold spots, are there any areas that lack energy. Remember these areas for later, they may need extra attention during the healing. GUIDE TO CRYSTALS Respect quartz crystals as living entities in crystalline form. When first working with crystals it is a good idea to get into a relaxed state and clear your thoughts. The following exercise seems to work well: Sit cross-legged on the floor, or erect in a straight back chair. Then close your eyes and take several deep breaths through your nose, let the air fill your upper chest completely -- then exhale. Then breath normally through your nose paying attention to the flow of air in and out of your lungs. Do this until you fell relaxed, it may take any where from a few minutes to 20 minutes. Grounding Exercise: Grounding is a must when working with crystals. Lack of a solid ground with the earth can result in a person feeling spacy or nervous during normal daily activities. There are several ways to ground yourself the following are some examples: 1) Eat a light snack. Physical grounding will occur automatically. 2) Use a grounding stone such as Hematite or Smoky Quartz. Touch or hold it in your hand. 3) Get into your relaxed state. Imagine that you have roots growing from the bottom of your feet. The roots go deeply into the ground holding you fast. 4) Drumming to become centered and grounded. 5) Get into your relaxed state. Imagine copper grounding rods extending from the bottom of your feet going down deep into the ground. Visualization is the best way to ground yourself. After establishing your ground imagine that the earth is sending up energy from the ground. This energy is drawn up and through you, refreshing your whole body. Selecting your crystal: Selecting a crystal is a very individual (personal) experience. Each crystal has a unique vibration or frequency. Select a crystal with a vibration that is in harmony with you. Here are two exercises that will help you select your crystal: 1) Rub your hands together for about 30 seconds, then move your hands slowly apart (1-3 inches) then slowly move them together. Continue this exercise 4 to 5 times each time expanding the distance between your hands. Also try blowing lightly on your hands while moving them apart. Notice any sensations. Common sensations include tingling or the presence of energy. 2) Rub your hands together to sensitize them. Pass your left hand closely over the crystal. Do you feel hot or cold sensations, energy passing from the stone or are you attracted to a particular crystal? If so place the crystal in your left hand and examine it closely. If you feel a connection with the crystal it was meant for your use. If you feel no connection to a particular crystal repeat the process and try to relax and let your inner self help you in selecting your crystal. Cleansing your crystal: It is necessary to cleanse your crystal when it is first selected. Cleansing removes all previous vibrations, emotions and energy. This is necessary so you can program your own energy patterns into your crystal. The following is a list of ways to cleanse your crystal. Use whatever method feels right to you. 1) Place your crystal in the grass and let it stay for 24 hours. 2) Bury under the ground for 2-14 days 3) Place in a running stream for 2-14 days 4) Pack in salt for 1-2 days (Marcel Vogel does not recommend this use.) Fast Cleansing If time does not allow use the following method. 1) Hold your crystal under running tap water in both of your hands for 1 minute. While doing this imagine white light cleansing the crystal. 2) Hold your crystal between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Index finger on top. Then take your right thumb and place on one side of the crystal and your right index finger on the other side. Take a deep breath and image white light filling the crystal or just imagine to your self that you are clearing the crystal. Now exhale the intention forcefully through your nose into the crystal. Repeat several times until you feel that your crystal is cleared. Charging your crystal: Now that you have cleansed your crystal it you need to charge it with energy. The following is a list of charging methods: 1) Place the crystal in your right hand holding the tip away from you. Take a deep breath and image filling the crystal with love. Pulse your breath out of your nose and know that your breath has been placed into the crystal. Now to test the charge hold your crystal horizontal. Hold the crystal with your thumb and forefingers, with your third finger rub this surface. On a charged crystal, when you exhale, the finger will stick and when you draw your breath in, the charge will be released. When exhaled the charge comes back. 2) Place your crystal in or beneath a pyramid 3) Place your crystal in the sunlight or moon light for 1-2 days 4) Place your crystal in the moon light. Leave it until after the morning dew 5) Place your crystal outside during a thunderstorm. 6) Place your crystal outside during a hail or snow storm. Clearing Your Crystal of Vibrations Hold your crystal between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Index finger on top. Then take your right thumb and place on one side of the crystal and your right index finger on the other side. Take a deep breath and image white light filling the crystal or just imagine to your self that you are clearing the crystal. Now exhale the intention forcefully through your nose into the crystal. Repeat this exercise until you feel your crystal is cleared. Programming Your Crystal: Hold your crystal between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Index finger on top. Then take your right thumb and place on one side of the crystal and your right index finger on the other side. Take a deep breath and image white light filling the crystal or just imagine to your self that you are clearing the crystal. Now exhale the intention forcefully through your nose into the crystal. Repeat several times until you feel your crystal has been cleared. Now hold your crystal in your left hand and rotate it slowly counter clockwise. Clear your mind, take a deep breath and visualize what you want to program into your crystal. (Open your third eye, develop your inner senses.) Exhale forcefully through your nose with the intent of your thought programming your crystal. Once you have programmed your crystal, it is beneficial to carry it with you for the next 30 days or so. You may even put your crystal under your pillow at night. This will allow your crystal and you to become attuned to each other. Your crystal will also protect you against negative emotions and strengthen your auric field. Combing out the aura To comb out the aura have the person lay flat on a table and then clear and center your self. Start at the top of the head and work down the left side and then the right. Always bringing the energy from the top of head. Work in sections divide the body as follows, The left arm, the left chest, the left leg, the right arm, the right chest, the right leg. When you have completed comb from the head to the toes. Aura Attunement Have the person lay face up on a table and relax. Clear and center yourself. Clear your crystal and charge it. Now slowly enter the persons aura. From the top of their head move the crystal in circular motion. Then around the left arm, the left side of the chest, the left leg and then the same on the right side of the body. When you have completed, do the whole body from the head to the toes. Now place your hands on the head and chant I Am. Laying of Stones If the person your going to lay healing stones on feels comfortable, let them pick their own stones. If not pick out what ever stones that you feel would be good for their chakras. Again have them lay down on a table and become relaxed. Place the stones over the areas that feel are right, and stay with them. Allow them all the time they need. Chakra Balancing Have the person lay face up on a table and allow them to become relaxed, center your self. Take your quartz pendulum and starting at the head swirl it from top to bottom. Then move the pendulum around in circles around the head, then move to the left arm, the chest, the legs then do the same on the right side. Now entering from 2 feet or so bring your pendulum within 1 inch of the base chakra allow it to become stable and then pull it directly up and move on to the next chakra. Continue until all the chakras are in balance. Then take the pendulum and in one continuous motion move from left the shoulder to right hip. Then up from the right hip to the right shoulder. Cross over to the left hip then place the crystal over the heart chakra, pull up quickly and immediately place your hand over the heart chakra. Now place both hands on their head and chant I am. Reflect On These Questions For The Time You Were The Receiver 1. How did you sense the external environment - did you notice any changes, or were you more or less aware of your surroundings? 2. Did you feel any noticeable changes in your heart rate or respiratory rate or in your body muscle tone or sense of energy flow? 3. From and during this experience, are you able to recapture the internal dialogue that goes on inside of you when you try to explain to yourself what it is your senses are telling you? 4. Did you notice any changes in your emotions? 5. Did any change occur in your sense of time; for example does time speed up or slow down? 6. How did you perceive your body - that is what feedback did you get from the movements, postures, and energetic flow from your body? 7. Any other observations, thoughts, feelings, etc. Reflect On These Questions For The Time You Played The Role Of The Facilitator 1. How did you sense the external environment - did you notice any changes, or were you more or less aware of your surrounding? 2. Did you feel any noticeable changes in your heart rate or respiratory rate or in your body muscle tone or sense of energy flow? 3. From and during this experience, are you able to recapture the internal dialogue that goes on inside of you when you try to explain to yourself what it is your senses are telling you? 4. Did you notice any changes in your emotions? 5. Did any change occur in your sense of time; for example does time speed up or slow down? 6. How did you perceive your body - that is what feedback did you get from the movements, postures, and energetic flow from your body? 7. Any other observations, thoughts, feelings, etc. 1. Was it easier for you to recall your perceptions when you facilitated or when you were the receiver? 2. In this exchange, did you notice if it was any easier for you to Be the facilitator or to Be the receiver? Reference Materials: The Mind/Body Effect By Herbert Benson, M.D. Bodymind By Ken Dychtwald Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience By Richard Gordon What You Feel You Can Heal By John Gray Ph.D. Energy Ecstasy and Your Seven Vital Chakras, Bernard Gunther Heal Your Body By Louise Hay The Possible Human By Jean Houston Joy's Way A Map for the Transformational Journey By Brugh Joy M.D. The Therapeutic Touch, How to Use Your Hands to Help or to Heal By Dolores Kriegger Ph.D. R.N. Studies of the Human Aura By Kuthumi The Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater The Psychic Energy Workbook By Michael R. Miller The Etheric Double, The Health Aura of Man By A.E. Powell The Complete Crystal Guidebook By Uma Silbey Do-In By Jacques De Langre Published By Happiness Press The following is a list of books on crystals: Title Author The Complete Crystal Guide book Uma Silbey Healing & Quartz Crystals Rea Crystal Enlightenment Vol 1&2 Kathrina Raphaell Crystal Power Smith Windows of Light Baer & Baer Cleaning Crystal Consciousness Burka Cosmic Crystals Ra Bonewiz The following is a list of some of the different healing stones and their uses: Amazonite - Throat chakra stone - assists with clarity in expression. Aids in developing clairaudience. Amber - Second chakra stone - grounding stone. Aid to individuals involved in healing work, as it strengthens the etheric body. Amethyst - Associated with the seventh ray, with healing and the transmutation of energy. Amethyst is said to be helpful to those in transition, particularly spiritual transformation. It elevates energy to the upper chakras. Related to the 3rd eye and inner sight. Helps one to get closer to their intuitive side. It is a calming stone, helps to restore inner peace, and has been shown to be effective in eliminating nightmares. Apatite - Solar plexus stone, similar to citrine, works with getting in touch with one's own power without overdoing it, as it is gentler and easier to handle. Aquamarine - Throat chakra stone, feminine energy. Aids in getting in touch with spiritual self, with the spiritual teacher within. Azurite - Third eye stone. Works with surfacing and releasing subconscious fear thoughts to allow conscious understanding. Bloodstone - Base chakra stone. Helps one in manifesting one's personal plan. Assists with circulatory problems, helps any blood related organ. Also aids in getting rid of migraines. Blue Lace Agate - Throat chakra stone. Helps with developing a melodious flow of expression. Also assists in expanding area of comfortable expression. Calcite - Crown chakra stone. Opens the individual to the energy from the crown chakra. Gentle expanding of crown chakra energy. Carnelian - Second chakra stone - grounding stone. Aids people who are absent-minded and unfocused to focus on the physical plane and become more productive. Banded carnelian seems to aid in organizing on the physical plane. Celestial - Throat chakra stone. Opens and assists one in speaking their truth. Facilitates attunement to the higher realms. Chevron Amethyst - Dream stone. Takes one to higher levels of consciousness by uniting the 3rd eye to the crown chakra. Chrysocolla - Throat chakra stone - mostly feminine energy. Beneficial for problems related to female organs - menstruation, hysterectomy, pregnancy, etc. It deepens the nurturing qualities of women and men. Aids one in expressing one's own truth. Chrysocolla-Malachite - Symbolizes wholeness, when placed over imbalanced areas, it provides a sense of peace and wellness and relays the message of wholeness to the body. Calms the mind and neutralizes negative thought patterns when placed over the third eye. Citrine - Second and third chakra stone - breaks down fixed realities to allow new thoughts to develop. Particularly helpful with fixed patterns tied to fear. Aids in manifestation. Helps you to know yourself, to get in touch with your own power and to feel good about yourself. A grounding stone that allows you to be the best that you can be. Dolomite - Heart chakra stone. Helps one to move with ease into life's new ventures. Fluorite - Balances left and right hemispheres, draws spiritual energy into the physical. Allows one to ground while getting in touch with one's higher self, with other stones, fluorites are catalyzers. Clusters represent communities of individuals strong in themselves yet working toward a common goal. Garnet - Base chakra stone - relates to creativity and life force energy. Good stone to help to clear, but not the heal the heart. When placed on the navel, it helps one to get in touch with who you are sexually, not necessarily who you think you are. Green Adventurine - Heart chakra stone. Ground stone. Helps calm people in stress. Green Quartz - Good grounding stone. Helps with problems with lungs, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Hematite - Grounding stone. It grounds those that get "stoned" around the stones. For those who are already grounded, it aids in bringing forward a greater sense of self-confidence and in focusing and organizing one's thoughts. for some that are grounded, it lifts them to higher levels of consciousness. Kunzite - Heart chakra stone - heals the pains, sorrows, and hurts in that area. Kyanite - Aligns the chakras. Is an aid in coming into and out of the body for astral travel, and going to karmic records. Can be used for accupressure. Labradorite - Balances and releases the heat in the liver. Extracts chemical toxicity. Helps in amplifying the right brain in balancing the 3rd eye. Lapis - Third eye stone. Helps unite the mental and spiritual bodies. As its energy is more penetrating than healing, it may need to be used or worn in conjunction with other stones. Green adventurine, rose quartz or amethyst work well with Lapis. Lapitolite - Integrates and balances the physical and spiritual. Helps in restructuring DNA/RNA. Leopard Skin Jasper - Shamanistic stone. Grounding and protective stone. Malachite - Solar plexus stone and an all purpose healing stone which can be used on any part of the body to assist in releasing blocked energy. Also aids in assisting those with humanitarian purposes to ground and utilize higher energies. Malachite-Azurite - Utilized over blocked or congested areas. Calms the anxiety accompanying physical disease so the healing process can occur. Moonstone - Heart chakra stone. Helps to soothe and balance emotions. Brings emotions under the control of higher will instead of repressing or expressing them. Assists women during menstruation to achieve physical, hormonal and emotional equilibrium. Helps men become more in tune with their feminine nature. Obsidian - First chakra stone. Aids in bringing in a higher form of awareness on the planet. It draws the soul's qualities into the body and cleanses anything that is a lesser vibration by showing one their shadow side. Stabilizes erratic energies. Very grounding for people who are very spaced out. Snowflake Obsidian - Softens looking at the shadowy side of ourselves. Opal - Heart chakra stone. Helps to open the heart. Sometimes one comes into one's life when there is a closing of a relationship or a change in consciousness. Peridot - Third chakra stone. Calms and energizes. In healing work, it can magnify insecurity when placed on the third chakra while it pulls up the feelings that are tied to emotional conflict. should be used when ready to deal with those issues. Phantom Crystals - Inclusions of other minerals found inside quartz crystals. Mostly occur in smaller pyramid or chevron shapes, occasionally occur as shadowy figures. Aids one in getting in touch with higher aspects of self and in connecting to past life information. Pyrite - Used for bringing one's consciousness to the physical plane. Pyrite and Quartz Crystal - Crown chakra stone. Helps ground light into the body in a gentle way. Brings joy into one's life. Quartz Crystal - Said to amplify or focus energies, enhance concentration and act as a mirror to the mind. Used to give energy and focus to undertakings, and represents expanded consciousness. Focusing on a quartz crystal is used as a gateway to contemplation, meditation and prayer. Record Keepers - Has small triangle seemingly etched into one of the six facets which form the termination. Holds high vibrational information for the pure of heart. Rainbow Crystals - Helps dissolve and transform sadness and grief in the heart chakra. Double-Terminated Crystals - Have a complete energy field because of the two terminations. Can draw in and give out energies. Used in child birth, dreams, and astral travel. They are better in protecting the electromagnetic field. Tabular Crystals - Flat Quartz crystal with two of the opposing 6 sides being larger and wider. Serves as a link between any two points. Allows the energy flow to equalize and harmonize between two people, two chakras, etc. Can be used with crystal balls as an aid in connecting with past life information. Red Jasper - Second chakra stone. Can be very directional, very penetrating energy. Intense energy that would aid opening of the second chakra and reach to the core of difficulties in that area. Rhodocrosite - Heart chakra and solar plexus stone. Releases butterflies in th solar plexus and balances energies in the upper and lower chakras. Rhodonite - Base chakra stone. Grounds spiritual energies into the body. Aligns one with their personal plan and assists in bringing that plan forward. Rose Quartz - Heart chakra stone. One of the first stones that many individuals get in touch with. Its focus is on self love and soothing emotional hurts. It helps people to be more accepting to other people and other ideas. Good for headaches. Selenite - Crown chakra stone. Calms and clears the mind. Can be used as an energetic sponge on the body. Fishtail selenite are particularly helpful in working with the spine. Smoky Quartz - Base chakra stone. Grounding stone that elevates sorrow and depression. Great for anxiety attacks. With citrine, helps one to figure out who you are in the world. Sodalite - Third eye stone. Aids in releasing blocks in the subconscious to allow the intuition to come through. Allows the mind to focus on left brain linear activities. Neutralizes reactive emotionality, allows individual to move into rational thought. Staurolite - Cross formation - for the 3rd eye. Aids in manifestation. With healing intention, aids with emotions, works gradually, subtly over a long time. Sugilite - 3rd eye stone. Aids in seeing mental patterns behind physical problems. Sulfur - Third chakra stone. Assists with balancing digestive tract problems. Tiger Eye - Protective stone, develops courage. Has element of increasing healing ability for the healer. Tourmaline - Assists the body in adapting to the inflow of higher energies during transformations experiences. Black Tourmaline - Deflects negative energies and can neutralize one's own negative energies. Grounds spiritual energies. Green Tourmaline - Aids the body in relieving chronic fatigue and exhaustion and in accommodating a greater electrical force. Assists in manifesting. Pink Tourmaline - Heart chakra stone. Protective stone which aids in releasing and transforming past sorrows. Creates joy and enthusiasm for life. Tourmaline Quartz - Combination of quartz and black tourmaline, the combination of white and black creates a polarity of energies. Can be used to eliminate almost any degree of subtle or physical negative energy. Turquoise - Throat chakra stone. Connects one to ancient wisdoms. Wulfenite - Second chakra stone. Grounds spiritual energy into the body. Unakite - Base chakra stone. Similar to bloodstone, but not as powerful or threatening to some as bloodstone. Aids with circulation difficulties. Helps when the personality and the emotions of the body allow itself to be infested with parasitic thought. 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