(text prepared in Wordperfect 4.1 format) MIDSUMMER RITUAL (first performed Midsummer 1990 - predominantly non-pagan group numbering approximately 25) SCENARIO: Participants are gathered at the place of the ritual, preferably in some sort of circle. Priestess enters first, followed by Holly King (wearing a green mask and a crown of holly leaves) and then Oak King (wearing a cloak and a crown of oak leaves.) The Oak King pauses at his station while the Priestess escorts Holly King to his station. She then returns the the center of the circle. (based on Farrar's "Eight Sabbat's for Witches") (the Priestess raises her arms) Priestess: BEHOLD THE OAK KING! - HE IS THE RULER OF THE WAXING YEAR! BECAUSE OF HIM, THE FIELDS BEAR CROPS, THE TREES BEAR FRUIT, AND THE CREATURES OF THE GREAT MOTHER BEAR YOUNG. WE THANK THEE - MIGHTY OAK KING FOR THE FRUITFUL LAND! (All present now join the Priestess in joyously repeating the thanks, and the Priestess begins to dance around the Oak King) Oak King: I AM THE OAK KING; I AM A STAG OF SEVEN TINES; I AM A FLOOD ON A WIDE PLAIN; I AM A WIND ON THE DEEP WATERS; I AM A TEAR OF THE SHINING SUN; I AM A HAWK ON A CLIFF; I AM FAIR AMONG FLOWERS; I AM THE OAK KING. (All present now link hands (if there are enough present) and circle clockwise around the Oak King and the now dancing Priestess while joyously repeating:) WE THANK THEE - MIGHTY OAK KING FOR THE FRUITFUL LAND! (After all have circled the Oak King, the Priestess stops in front of the Holly King and raises her arms) Priestess: BEHOLD THE HOLLY KING! - HE IS THE RULER OF THE WANING YEAR! WITH THE SUN AT THE HEIGHT OF ITS POWER AND MAJESTY, THE WAXING OF THE YEAR IS ACCOMPLISHED, AND THE REIGN OF THE OAK KING IS ENDED. WITH THE SUN AT THE HEIGHT OF ITS SPLENDOUR, THE WANING OF THE YEAR BEGINS. THE HOLLY KING MUST SLAY HIS BROTHER THE OAK KING, AND RULE OVER MY LAND UNTIL THE DEPTH OF WINTER, WHEN HIS BROTHER SHALL BE BORN AGAIN. (The Holly King removes his mask and moves in front of the Oak King, facing him, and places his hands on the Oak King's shoulders. The Oak King falls to his knees.) (The Holly King then removes the Oak King's crown and gives it to the Priestess.) (The Holly King then puts the black mask on the Oak King.) (The Holly King then removes the cloak from the Oak King and places it on his own shoulders.) (The Priestess now dances around both while carrying the crown of the Oak King.) (All Present now recite:) DANCE, LADY, DANCE - ON THE OAK KING'S TOMB, WHERE HE LIES HALF A YEAR IN THY QUIET WOMB. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - AT THE HOLLY KING'S BIRTH WHO HAS SLAIN HIS TWIN FOR THE LOVE OF EARTH. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - TO THE MIGHTY SUN'S POWER AND HIS TOUCH OF GOLD ON FIELD AN FLOWER. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - WITH CROWN IN HAND, THAT SHALL SUMMON THE SUN TO BLESS THY LAND. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - IN THE SILVER WHEEL, WHERE THE OAK KING RESTS, HIS WOUNDS TO HEAL. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - FOR THE HOLLY KING'S REIGN, TILL HIS BROTHER THE OAK SHALL RISE AGAIN. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - IN THE MOONLIT SKY TO THE THREEFOLD NAME MEN KNOW THEE BY. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - ON THE TURNING EARTH FOR THE BIRTH THAT IS DEATH, AND THE DEATH THAT IS BIRTH. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - TO THE SUN ON HIGH, FOR HIS BURNING SPLENDOUR, TOO, MUST DIE. DANCE, LADY, DANCE - TO THE YEAR'S LONG TIDE, FOR THROUGH ALL CHANGE MUST THOU ABIDE. (The Holly King now raises his arms and recites:) Holly King: DANCE FOR THE SUN IN GLORY, DANCE FOR THE OAK KING'S PASSING DANCE FOR THE HOLLY KING'S TRIUMPH - DANCE, LADY, DANCE - (All present hold hands and now circle around while repeating:) DANCE, LADY, DANCE - DANCE, LADY, DANCE - DANCE, LADY, DANCE - (after all have circled the Holly King again raises his arms) Holly King: THE SPIRIT OF THE OAK KING IS GONE FROM US, TO REST IN CAER ARIANRHOD, THE CASTLE OF THE SILVER WHEEL; UNTIL, WITH THE TURNING OF THE YEAR, THE SEASON SHALL COME WHEN HE SHALL RETURN TO RULE AGAIN. THE SPIRIT IS GONE; THEREFORE, LET THE MAN AMONG US WHO HAS STOOD FOR THAT SPIRIT BE FREED FROM HIS TASK. (the Holly King and Priestess help the Oak King to rise and escort him to his station and remove his black mask) (the Holly King returns to the center, again raises his arms) Holly King: LET THE MIDSUMMER FIRES SHINE FORTH! (Holly King lights the brazier and the Priestess puts the crown of the Oak King in the fire then both return to the center) (the Priestess raises her arms) Priestess: GREAT ONE OF HEAVEN, POWER OF THE SUN, COME AGAIN AS OF OLD INTO THIS THY LAND. LIFT UP THY SHINING SPEAR OF LIGHT TO PROTECT US. PUT TO FLIGHT THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. GIVE US FAIR WOODLANDS AND GREEN FIELDS, BLOSSOMING ORCHARDS AND RIPENING CORN. BRING US TO STAND UPON THY HILL OF VISON AND SHOW US THE PATH TO THE LOVELY REALMS OF THE GODS. (the Priestess now picks up her cauldron of water and her branch of mistletoe) (the Holly King now leads the other participants in a circle procession before the Priestess as she sprinkles them with the water from the branch and recites:) Priestess: DANCE YE BEFORE THIS CAULDRON OF CERRIDWEN AND BE YE BLESSED WITH THE TOUCH OF THIS WATER; EVEN AS THE SUN, THE LORD OF LIFE, ARISETH IN HIS STRENGTH IN THE SIGN OF THE WATERS OF LIFE! (the Holly King then leads the procession - followed by the Priestess and the Oak King - past the brazier to the refreshments - - Party Time!!)