FILE 18 NEWSLETTER Cult Crime Impact Network, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL-- RESTRICTED ACCESS INFORMATION FOR OFFICIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT USE ONLY. Edited by: Larry M. Jones, Cult Crime Impact Network, Inc., 222 N. Latah St., Boise, Idaho, 83706, ph: 208-377-6606, (Emerg.) 208-377-6790, pager #550. VOL. II NO. 87-5 OCTOBER 23, 1987 * * * DISCLAIMER * * * THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR USE IN DETECTION OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND PROTECTION OF CITIZENS; IT IS NOT MEANT TO INTERFERE WITH FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. 1. C.C.I.N., INC.--FOR YOUR INFORMATION! We are a unique information network by and for law enforcement and qualified civilians who have entered the fight against cult crime. Your phone calls and letters describing cult crime investigations and training information make each issue of the FILE 18 NEWSLETTER possible. C.C.I.N. is a non- profit corporation which subsists solely by your monetary support through subscriptions ($15/yr.) and gifts. (The I.R.S. notified the Editor that Tax Exempt Status has been approved for C.C.I.N., Inc. so your contributions are deductible!!) Everyone involved in the publication of our printed materials volunteers his or her time. The Editor wishes to thank Sigrid, Patty, Marge, Joyce, Kristin, Matt, and Meagan who tirelessly copy, fold, staple, label, sort, and bundle. If you want to be added to the list of 1,000-plus officers who now receive the NEWSLETTER, write to us at the address above. FILE 18 is published every 6-8 weeks. Feel free to make copies of the NEWSLETTER for training or distribution to bona fide law enforcement or qualified related personnel. Please do not release this information to the news media or to persons who would abuse it for their own gain. 2. THE ADULT SURVIVOR OF RITUAL ABUSE [The following is "A Personal Perspective" by a counselor who has been working with adult survivors who were ritually abused as children. The Editor asked her to put more pertinent observations down in writing so that they could be shared with FILE 18 NEWSLETTER readers. This is not intended to be an exhaustive study of ritualized abuse cases, but rather a continuation of training material to keep the 'worst case scenario of satanic crimes' before you.] A definition of the ADULT SURVIVOR is one who was a.) born into satan worship or black witchcraft; b.) reared as a child (obtained by whatever means) by a coven during the formative ages of 0-6 yrs.; or, c.) a voluntary member of a coven. When screening persons as potential survivors, consider the following lists of characteristics. Two or more should be verifiable in the legitimate adult survivor: a.) migraine headaches, b.) abdominal pain, c.) eating disorders, d.) overweight, e.) liver or adrenal malfunctions, f.) vaginal and/or rectal scarring, g.) collapsed rectal wall, h.) digestive tract irregularity, i.) missing uterus or sterilized, j.) blood chemistry imbalance, k.) right-side epilepsy, l.) urinary tract invections, m.) nipples missing, or, n.) preference for soft drinks. In addition to the physical characteristics, there are also psychological characteristics: a.) fear, b.) sexual or chemical dependency, c.) low self-esteem, d.) guilt and/or depression, e.) anger or hatred, f.) suicidal tendencies, g.) self-injury or mutilation, h.) blackouts, i.) childhood amnesia, j.) high intelligence level, k.) an over-achiever, l.) black-and-white (bi-polar) thinking, m.) god phobic, n.) seeming multiple personalities or disassociative dysfunction disorder, or, o.) fixation with or references to satan or demons. The perpetrators leave tell-tale evidence on the body of the ritualized abuse victim. These signs last for a lifetime and can be pertinent to the knowledgeabe investigator. They include: a.) Brands or Tattoos of satanic or coven symbols (found inside the hairlines, on the neck/shoulder, on hands/palms/fingers, on back/buttocks, on breasts/chest, or, inside the lips of the vagina/on the genitals); b.) Scars (from rope burns on wrists or abdomen, from cuts inside the thighs or on the sides of the neck, and from scourge or whip marks on back/buttocks and/or upper backside of thighs); and, c.) Missing Digits (usually a little finger, often on the left hand, or, a left-hand ring finger at the center knuckle, or missing toes, or missing toes and fingers due to thin wire restraints used to immobilize the person during rituals.) Bizarre as this may sound, those in mental health, counseling, or pastoral counseling fields must confront multiple personalities manifesting in an individual adult survivor. There may be some confusion with the Multiple Personality Disorder and how it relates to the survivor. In some cases you have the following: a.) multiple personalities, b.) demons manifesting as multiple personalities (Editor's Note: Rebecca Brown, M. D., in her new book PREPARE FOR WAR, Chick Publications, maintains that every "multiple personality" manifested in a ritualized abuse survivor is, in fact, a demon. The very purpose for the bizarre rituals, she says, is to implant such entities into the abuse victim. She cautions therapists and counselors not to overlook this fact or fail to deal with it on an appropriate spiritual basis.), c.) personalities with one or more (not all) being possessed, d.) personalities with one or more being a practicing Christian (which is not to be confused with a 'religious spirit'), or, e.) an alter-ego or disassociative disorder. Total control of the abused person is the ultimate desired objective of the perpetrators. They utilize brainwashing and indoctrination methods which are 'state-of-the-art.' Use of similar therapeutic techniques by a well- meaning clinician can add to the problems the survivor is experiencing. A. The E.E.G. or similar electro-stimuli may be attached to the head or other nerve endings for the purpose of breaking the will, encouraging obedience, layering personalities, and insuring silence through threat enforcement. B. Ingestion of animal or human urine, feces, blood, orgasmic secretions, or flesh--often mixed with wine or mind-altering drugs-- causes degradation of the person, lessens his/her inhibitions, causes obedience, and supposedly increases spiritual power if done in a ritual. C. Isolation in closets, basements, caskets (with or without a corpse), cages, isolation houses, or any dark, restraining area tends to break the will, foster obedience, and reinforce a 'no-absolutes' condition (often they are isolated even when they perform willingly.) D. Drugs such as belladonna, heroin, LSD, methamphetimines, and others are applied to lessen inhibitions, cause obedience, create confusion and an inability to correctly discern reality, and foster a dependency upon the coven for regular drug supplies. E. Forced Participation in Sexual Revels, both hetero- and homosexual in nature, including all possible combinations of perversions with children, adults, and animals, creates humiliation, degradation, sexual gratification, destroys normal bonding, and supposedly increases spiritual power, and appeases the coven's god(s). F. Starvation and protein deprivation quickly foster obedience, cause confusion, and make the mind more susceptible to outside suggestions and control. 2. G. Forced Participation in Ritual Sacrifices, including murder and/or mutilation of children/adults/animals, may occur in mock rituals or be real. These snare the victim in a web of guilt, instill the fear that they might be the next sacrificial victim, degrade, traumatize, and gain control. H. Grave Robbery from cemetaries, mausoleums, graves, etc., occur to obtain specific body parts or bones for rituals, to obtain valuables, to prove commaraderie within the group, to cast spells and gain spiritual power, or to work "magick." An initiate may be required to spend a 24 hr. period buried in a grave with a corpse or have sex with a corpse. This degrades, produces guilt, traumatizes, is used to punish disobedience, or can be a 'test of strength or worthiness to be a coven member.' I. Bonding to a 'Friend' is used if the victim is resistant, inhibited or fearful. The 'friend' is there to encourage or rescue, gaining trust, and exercising coercion to get compliance. If that tactic fails, the 'friend' does the old 'pull the rug out from under them' technique and turns on the victim, thus causing distrust, confusion, futility, self-reliance, and contributing to the atmosphere of 'no-absolutes.' J. Pins and Needles are inserted into the vagina, penis, rectum or inside the foreskin of the penis. Other targets for these fine pins are the eyelids, ears, eardrums, nose, or other nerve endings. E.E.G., E.K.G., and electro-oriental-style acupuncture-type needles are used, as well as hypodermic or transfusion-type needles. Pain caused by insertion is used to punish. The needles have utilitarian uses, too, such as: injections of drugs or truth serum, transfusions, mock operations, or actual operations in the drugged state, including sterilizations, abortions, and abortion ritual sacrifices. Pins and needles seem to be used to layer personalities, program future dates and actions, and deal with names (to remember, to forget, to kill later.) K. Kidnappings of babies-through-adults (especially of Christians) are accomplished with forced participation of the abuse victims. Kidnaps are done for sales, slavery, indoctrination, and human sacrifices (either by the home group or exported to other groups.) The kidnaps are for whoever, whenever commanded, and however they can be accomplished. The kidnapped victim is held in a safe place or holding house until the coven or procurer picks him/her up. Often the abuse survivor is forced to 'babysit' the kidnap victim...this causes a lot of trauma and guilt because the abuse survivor knows the fate of the kidnapped person. This scenario forces obedience, guilt, and humiliation, but brings coven praise and more power within the coven. L. A "Black Hole Experience" seems common to most ritualized abuse survivors in one form or another. It may be used to enforce discipline or punish. Generally, the "Black Hole Experience" consists of: being suspended head first into a dark pit which contains human/animal parts, blood, rats, snakes, spiders, etc. This lasts for up to 24 hours or even longer. The more severe the need for punishment or control, the worse the experience is. Sometimes the pit is filled with the mutilated body parts and blood of a close friend of the survivor, perhaps someone who the survivor was forced to help kill. Left in this putrefying "stuff" for 24 hrs. up to 2 weeks, without food, in total darkness...the "Black Hole" is often one of the most difficult for the survivor to work through. M. The Re-Birth Ritual (not to be confused with the Black Hole Experience) is usually performed during childhood, but can be done for adults. A large animal (cow) or human's abdominal cavity is opened. The initiate is inserted inside the cavity and left until the end of the ritual, at which time he/she is pulled out as a form of 'birthing from death.' The initiate is usually covered by the entrails and blood of the 'birth host' and wallows around until pulled out by the High Priest. This is satan's equivalent of the Christian 'born again' experience. N. Marriage to the Beast/Satan Ceremonies are actual wedding ceremonies which include conjured demons and satan himself present. Satan may manifest himself through the High Priest, a black man, in some 'form', or as himself. In whichever form, there is a sexual act which consumates the marriage. The sex act is very painful and usually this ceremony occurs on the fifth birthday of the female child victim. This child is usually being groomed as a High Priestess (Bride of Satan) and will rule the coven at a future time. A Bride of Satan may not actively participate in coven worship for years, 3. but at the time the High Priest is dying, he must pass his powe on to his successor, or soul-mate. O. Brainwashing Techniques often include certain letters of the alphabet, numbers and seemingly nonsensical rhymes. The most obvious letter is "F" because it is the sixth letter of the alphabet. The numbers "6" or "666", the Biblical number of the Beast, are important. Numbers most commonly used are multiples of "6"; or, "7" for perfection; "9", the number of Christ; "13" for luck; or "18" which is the sum of the numbers "666". Birthdates and dates set in the future may "key" the survivor to return to the coven or commit a predetermined act. Sing-songs, backward writings, and rhymes are memory programming "keys" to control future behavior. The adult survivor may have anxiety attacks or experience panic when certain familiar smells or activities are encountered. These things trigger painful and disturbing memories. Such things as digging in the dirt, sawing wood, and using gardening utensils may be triggers. Kitchen smells, sights, or sounds often bring back the past. Animals which were used in rituals or as instruments of abuse include dogs (esp. Dobermans, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, and Shepherds), wolves, cats, goats, pigs, owls, pigeons, sparrows, hawks, blackbirds, and doves. Obviously, Black Widow and other spiders, cockroaches, rats, mice, snakes and lizards may hold bad connotations for the survivor. Candles of various colors, mortuaries, mausoleums, closets, basements, indoor theaters, churches, hospitals, or any dark, isolated, restraining place may hold dark fears, too. Unfortunately, satanists come in all shapes and sizes; doctors, nurses, policemen, clergymen, judges, and other professionals may create panic. It is important to note that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to worship freely. The statements in this perspective are not to offend or condemn anyone's beliefs or choice of worship. The only intent is to expose the criminal activity involved in some, not all, worship of satan or other dieties. 3. RED HERRING IN NEBRASKA. Det. W. E. Callister, McCook PD's Major Crimes Team, came across a case which tested his discernment and intuitive judgement. In September, a female runaway rolled into McCook on the bus and proceeded to tell a tale so bizarre that it could have been believable! After thorough background checking, Callister and his co-workers broke the story of Sandra Dawn Hilbert, WFA 23, 4-28-64. She had posed as Anastasia Illyanna Novischik, 15, a runaway from Denver due to her pending initiation into a satanic ritual group. She called the National Runaway Hotline from McCook, was picked up, and initially handled as an abandoned child, then an abused child. When the facts became known, Sandra AKA Anastasia was booked for felony criminal mischief, false reporting, and criminal impersonation. Det. Callister wanted to warn other departments about this convincing prevaricator who, it seems, is an aspiring author. She had handwritten notes among her belongings which told a story in novel form about a character named Anastasia. Perhaps she was 'living her story' in order to get a first-hand perspective. However, the chilling and detailed account she told to investigators while pretending to be Anastasia was consistent with many of the reports we have printed about actual satanic and witchcraft rituals. She described grisly sacrifices of babies, cannibalism, sex with children, smearing and drinking blood, and anointing with urine and feces during adult-child satanic rituals. What investigator wouldn't prick up his hears when hearing statements such as these? But Callister finally saw through the charade and exposed the lies. If you have been perplexed with similar cases, Det. Callister can supply more details and photos. Think of the 'crow' he and his department would have had to eat if they had made premature public statements about this case. We do not know if this contrived story was Sandra's alone, or if she was a cleverly-rehearsed plant to destroy the credibility of the local authorities. As in all cult/occult crime cases, it is better to err on the conservative side than to be too publicly liberal with information. (Refer: McCook PD Case #870651) 4. 4. OCCULT CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATIONS. The Editor appreciates Plano, Texas, PD's Ofc. Pat Wertheim, a Crime Scene Investigator, who is trying to compile training and reference material for processing ritual and cult/occult crime scenes. In our continuing efforts to train the first responders to correctly identify and document non- traditional motivation crimes, we believe that C.S.I.'s are a key link in the chain of facts. As Pat said in his letter, "...I suspect most techs., especially those in small and medium sized departments, seldom, if ever, see a ritual crime. If one does occur, then they do not recognize it as such, and consequently miss important evidence..." If you have experience in even one hands-on cult/occult crime scene investigation, please contact Pat. If you have, or know of, good occult crime scene clues training or descriptive materials, forward them to Pat. He is trying to gather such materials and will work on compiling them for the use of us all. Contact: Ofc. Pat Wertheim, Plano PD, 909 14th St., Plano, Texas, 75074, 214-578-7209. 5. GRAVE ROBBERS On Tuesday, October 13, 1987, the NOBLESVILLE DAILY LEDGER (Indiana) carried a short news item about several grave robberies in the Hendrick's County/Plainfield, Indiana area. H.C.S.O. Lt. Stephen Golden is quoted as saying that the "...practice is common among members of satanic cults. This type of crime is a new area of law enforcement investigation...Because it doesn't happen every day, we're having to start from scratch to find out why (the graves were robbed.) Apparently this kind of activity is common in satanic cults." Thanks to Lt. Nick Campbell, Noblesville PD, for the article. Hopefully, as we self-educate more and more law enforcement personnel, we can start out a little farther ahead in such investigations. The robberies in such close proximity to the #1 satanic holiday (Halloween) may be significant. However, there should be a lot more intelligence gathering and background investigation before we jump to conclusions...right? 6. THREE BODIES THAT WE KNOW OF. During the past two weeks, officers from across the country have contacted me about several recovered bodies. Since all of these investigations are on-going, I will not identify the locations. However, if you recognize a similarity or want to talk to the investigating officers, contact the Editor and I will give referral information. Body #1: An unidentified male killed by six gunshots--three in the left side, two in the back, and one in the cheek of the face. On his forehead was a "quarter-sized, whitish-brown pottery-like substance." Are these factors significant to any of you? Body #2: A 29 yoa male found decapitated and dumped on rural ground. His identity has been determined by local authorities who are still seeking a motive. Unknown if cult/occult factors were involved. Body #3: A teenage female satanic coven member found floating in a lake. Her hands were tied behind her back with her bra. She bore a fairly fresh pentagram tattoo on one ankle, was believed to have been trying to quit a local coven, and died from multiple stab-wounds to the throat on Halloween night. Perhaps the motive is a little TOO obvious in this case (?). 7. THE FIGHT GOES ON--PART 2. In edition 87-4 of the FILE 18 NEWSLETTER we reprinted excerpts from an article about witchcraft and satanism which was published in the WARNKE MINISTRIES NEWSLETTER. The conclusion of this article appeared in their 3rd. Quarter 1987 Newsletter. Because we promised to continue this informative it is: "In the last issue...we briefly examined satanism and witchcraft, noting some differences between them in their religious beliefs and the common use of "magical technology." For witches there are also the designations "black" and "white." A white witch is one who supposedly uses magic for helpful, beneficial purposes and a black witch is one who employs magic for selfishness or destruction. It is necessary to remember that God does not 5. hate white magick any less than black; all forms of witchcraft are equally condemned in Deuteronomy 18 and several other places in Scripture. Some of the reasons become apparent when one examines the basic principles of witchcraft. They can be expressed in different ways, but one of the most common is the Witches' Pyramid--imagination, will, faith, and secrecy. Imagination refers to the ability to visualize a magical goal; this is important to a witch or satanist for two reasons. Neither witches nor satanists appeal to a "higher" power in the same way that Christians do; they look to themselves to determine what they want to happen rather than to a diety to see what he (or she) may want. Obviously, then, the magician must have a goal or end result in mind. The second reason is that emotions are believed to be the "fuel" for the spell, and the greater the emotional build-up and release, the greater likelihood of success. It is therefore vital for a person working magic to be able to visualize the result and to get sufficiently emotional about it. This is a key factor in rituals performed by witches as well as satanists. THE SATANIC BIBLE, for example, recommends the use of objects, drawings, or even smells and sounds as an aid to imagining the result coming to pass. The will of a witch or satanist is their determination to pursue their magical goal until it becomes reality. Those who have THE SATAN SELLER will remember that Mike [Warnke] often used the phrase "As I will, so mote it be!" Unlike a Christian who prays "thy will be done," a witch or satanist expects their will to be done. This "magical will" is described in one source as being similar to the will of a spoiled child in its ignoring or rejecting any thought or opposition or resistance. The third side of the Witches' Pyramid is faith. The faith of a witch or satanist is pointed in an entirely different direction than that of a Christian. For a satanist there is no higher cause than self; a witch may call on "other gods", but the intent is more coercion than service. One witchcraft manual advocates the "drawing of alignments," stating that power can be asked for "because we already made Power of our own..." another one tells the novice witch that "...they (the spirits or forces) are now as dependent on your attentions as you in your spells are on theirs." The faith of a witch or satanist, then, is not in a "higher power" but in themselves--in their ability to tap into their perceived source of power and in the potency of their spells or rituals. Secrecy, the fourth side of the pyramid, is a practical consideration. Witches and satanists believe that power shared is power lost. Therefore, if a particular spell is believed to be powerful, then it would probably be kept secret. It would obviously be no great thing to work a spell that everyone else could do; the power would lie in being the only one (or the only group) that could perform it. Also, spells that are cast on other people are kept secret to minimize the use of counter magic or defensive magic. There are hundreds of books on the market that claim to reveal vast amounts of hidden, secret, or "forbidden" knowledge; even if the claim were true, which it often is not, the value of these spells would be lost. Not only would everyone know the spell, but they would also know how to defend themselves. That is why so many of the serious groups develop their own magical technology and keep it secret. These four principles are focused on a particular spell or ritual, which serves as a means to build up and release emotions. THE SATANIC BIBLE calls ritual "intellectual decompression;" the various aspects of a group ritual, such as dancing, chanting, singing, etc. serve as a means to transcend the intellect. The mind is seen as the source of doubt or anxiety, which of course undermines imagination, will, and faith. Therefore, the ritual provides a way not only to increase emotions but to bypass the rational part of the mind. Viewing witchcraft in this way reveals several points of obvious disagreement with Christianity. One of the most imortant is attitude. Christians go to the spiritual realm as servants; our prayers are a petition to God. God answers our prayers not because He has to, but because He loves us. A witch or satanist goes to the spiritual realm intending to force 6. their deity to respond or believing that they themselves have all the power that is necessary. Such an approach is prideful to say the least. In fact, the desire to be god is quite literally the oldest sin in the book. Romans 1:18-32 is useful in understanding the predicament of occultists in their disregard of God and His principles. Verses 19 and 20 tell us that God's nature and attributes can be seen through creation; in fact, God makes sure that this is so. However, as verse 25 says, the ungodly exchange God's truth for a lie, and we worship the creation rather than the Creator. Witches in their worship of nature and cosmic forces and satanists in their worship of self are equally guilty. As a result of turning away from God, their hearts turn to evil and their minds become futile. The Witches' Pyramid is actually a trap. In the garden the serpent promised Eve that she and Adam could become like God, having a knowledge of good and evil. This was obviously a lie; we have not become more like God, but less so. We may have a degree of knowledge about evil, but we have lost the knowledge of good. One of the main reasons that God gave the law to Moses was to restore some of this knowledge, and Jesus came to fulfill that law and write it on our hearts. (Hebrews 8:10) Those who would strive to be god, either directly in the case of a satanist or indirectly in the case of a witch, make the same mistake. A witch or satanist trusts in his/her own ability to visualize the magical goal. Since we are not infinite like God is, this means that the imagination is limited. The magician is also forced to trust in his/her own power, which is obviously finite also. Since they believe that power shared is power lost, much of their magical activity is spent in defensive magic or in trying not to give off energies of one kind or another. As Christians we have access to the ultimate power source in God. We need not depend on our own ability to visualize, nor does our faith need to be in ourselves. We do not have to worry about the amount of power we have; there is plenty to go around. In fact, Paul could even boast about his weaknesses, saying "My (God's) grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9-10). Certainly there is much more that could be said about magic, witchcraft, and satanism. However, even this brief examination clearly shows that Christians have the victory through Christ. Truly we can say with the Apostle John that "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." (I John 4:4)." Mike Warnke has pledged his staff and resources to aid law enforcement in any way they can. He has already proven to be an able resource at cult/occult crime scenes; members of his staff have testified as expert witnesses concerning occult crime motivations. Our thanks to Warnke Ministries for this two-part article. You can personally contact them and get on their mailing list by writing to Warnke Ministries, Box 1075, Danville, Ky., 40422. Their 24-hour hotline number is 1-800-345-0045. Editor's Note: My greatest misgiving about working on FILE 18 is that we will give you just enough information to be dangerous--to yourselves. Occult crimes and ritual activities carry very real, VERY HEAVY spiritual implications along with the physical ones. We expect that you noble, dedicated officers will wade right into the middle of such investigations without a selfish thought. However, you may be battling with forces which are impervious to your wrist-twists, your batons, or your service firearms-- and they may destroy you. These things are unseen to most of us, probably scoffed at or written off as Hollywood/overactive imaginations by the majority. But, in our natural state we are helpless to defend against unseen enemies; spiritual training and spiritually effective tools are required. If you are apprehensive about where you would stand personally in a face-to- face confrontation with ancient evil, give Mike Warnke a call...ask the call-taker how you can be assured of victory. Or call or write to the Editor--we'll get you the answers you need. 7. 8. OCCULT-RELATED CRIME INVESTIGATIVE TOOLS. Somewhere in this Newsletter is a one-page flyer by David W. Balsiger and Jack Roper (those of you who know a real detective or trained observer, ask for help in finding it...Hint: it's a different color than the rest of the newsletter!) Dave and Jack have independently engaged in years of research into cult/occult issues, activities, and practitioners. Both have proven themselves to be organized, informative, helpful, and agreeable resources. The Editor highly recommends either or both men if you are trying to compile information or track a movement or occultic group. In compensation for our inclusion of this 'advertisement' in the FILE 18 NEWSLETTER, Dave and Jack have donated a significant amount of resource literature which will eventually find its way into your hands--either by direct mail or as parts of this publication. The prime tenet of FILE 18 is to "Get the Info. Out To You," so you can apply it, build on it, and network together locally and regionally. Roper's and Balsiger's 'tools' will be tremendous helps to you. Please take advantage of them. 9. PAGAN/MAGICKAL COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS. How many of you can honestly say that your department has assigned even one person to actively contact and monitor the various computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) available to the paedophile, the pornographer, or the occultist. Perhaps some of you do a little 'hacking' at home and would like to fool around to see what you can come up with. The following information came from an unnamed source, but is believed to be accurate. These BBSs were known to have been carrying on discussions pertinent to paganism, magick, freethought, and liberal religion as of January, 1987. "The Magick Conference, a system of messages echoed between a growing number of BBS using Fido BBS sotware running on IBM P/Cs and DECs throughout the USA, via electronic mail sent to other boards in the dead of the night via Ma Bell. Soon to be updated by a more sophisticated software system called Opus with increased security and advanced features. Some of the principal nodes thru which various boards rought their messates are: WEIRDBASE ST. LOUIS, MO. 314-389-9973. Run by Brad Hicks founder of the Magick Conference; discordian oriented. THELEMANET, BERKELEY, CA. 415-548-0163. OTO and Crowley oriented, 24 hr./day, 300/1200. BAPHONET, NY, NY, 718-499-9277. OTO oriented for the East Coast crowd; 300/1200 (local users try 300) 24 hr/day. The following BBS echo mail thru the Magick Conference: MEGA KAUI, Hawaii, 800-245-2080, 24 hr., 300/1200. DAVE'S FIDO, Gardner, Mass., 617-632-1861, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. METATREK FIDO, Toms River, NJ, 201-286-2567, 24 hr., 300/1200. TERRABOARD, Minneapolis, Mn., 612-721-8967, 24 hr. 300/1200/2400. SEABOARD, Clifton, NJ, 201-472-8065, 24 hr., 300/1200. HOUSE ATREIDES, Rowland Hgts., Ca., 818-965-7220, 24 hr., 300/120. DATA/SFNET, Ottawa, Ont., 613-726-1100, 0800-2000 hrs., Tue-Fri., 300/1200. PHILOSOPHER'S LOG, Fullerton, Ca., 714-992-0876, 1800-0700 weekdays, 24 hr. weekends, 300/1200. MUSIC TERM #2, Orange, Ca., 714-535-1258, 24 hr., 300/1200. COMPUTER COACH, Tacoma, Wa., 206-565-1476, 24 hr., 300/1200. COLLINWOOD, San Jose, Ca., 408-249-6670, 2300-0700, 300/1200/2400. IBM TECH FIDO, Pepperell, Ma., 617-433-8452, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. 8. DRIVE LINK, Denver, Co., 303-252-9235, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. WEST HOLLYWOOD BBS, Hollywood, Ca., 818-985-0541, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. LIGHT ARTISTS, N. Hollywood, Ca., 818-985-0541, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. KING JAMES RB, Garden Grove, Ca., 714-537-7355, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. MACHINE-DO, San Pedro, Ca., 213-548-3546, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. CS/B, College Station, Tx., 409-693-2235, 2300-0600 Sun-Thur., 2300-0900, Fri-Sat., 300/1200/2400. TRADING POST, Detroit, Mi., 313-882-7104, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. P-1 FIDO, Ferndale, Mi., 313-545-1931, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. TONY'S CORNER, Warren, Mi., 313-754-1131, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400. THE GAME BOARD, Minneapolis, Mn., 612-822-1968, 24 hr., 300/1200/2400." "Fido systems are well protected against abusive/obscene callers. If any reader of this file has bad intentions towards them, be forewarned, you will NOT be tolerated, and TWITTed to nonuser status promptly." "Predominantly Pagan Boards include: EARTHRITE CA, 415-651-9496. Oldest pagan BBS; good files, runs under archaic CP/M and VERY slow--using 300 baud. PAGAN BBS 'PBS' , Hollywood, Ca., small board with a sysop for whom Turbo Lightning was invented (grin), also running CP/M, but with some good material. Limited access. 818-982-0715." "This is by NO means a comprehensive list; many pagan BBS come and go. If you know of other active boards please leave a message for me via Easyplex and I'll update this list ot make it as useful and current as humanly possible...[signed] Barb CIS # 73047,630." Any of you FILE 18 readers who access anything interesting, please share with the Editor. 10. UNICORNS--AN OCCULT SYMBOL. Although they are probably not an overt 'crime causer', the Editor gets many inquiries about unicorns. (Rumor has it that Idaho Fish and Game sells Unicorn Tags to some--mostly California--hunters!) The unicorn in one form or another has been resiliant throughout various cultures. Today, we see it depicted as a beautiful silver horse-type creature sporting a tapered horn. However, according to MEDIA SPOTLIGHT's article, (THE UNICORN: FABLED BEAST OF MYTH AND MAGIC, 1986, Box 1288, Costa Mesa, CA., 92628- 1288,) it has been "...Variously described as an ox, ram, goat, bull, antelope, wild ass, horse, rhinoceros,...serpent a combination of many of these...)" Some believe that since the unicorn is mentionned in modern BIBLES, it must certainly be real. However, MEDIA SPOTLIGHT'S Albert James Dager notes that the original language of the BIBLE was mistranslated between Hebrew and Greek in the Third Century. "Finding several different references to an animal called the 're'em', the Jewish scholars were puzzled...No one was sure exactly what kind of an animal it was, although from its descriptions they knew it was large, fierce, and horned...They...(decided) to use the term 'monoceros', later Latinized into 'unicornis.' " Controversy raged for centuries, but the unicorn was finally "...identified as the giant aurochs, a species of wild buffalo that became extinct...around 500 B.C...." "...From ancient times...the Brittish people worshiped nature, relying heavily upon the favor of their gods for good fortune...the unicorn..[represented] the moon...and played a significant part in the prevalent sun-worship of the British people. In British mythology, the sun was represented as a lion, the moon as a unicorn. This myth is an integral part of British heraldry.." Note the Royal Arms of England featuring the solar lion and the Lunar Unicorn in conflict. Middle Ages moral tales held that a unicorn could only be captured by a virgin seated alone in the forest under a tree. "...Details vary, vividly, from text to text; in some the unicorn indulges in familiarities remarkable unsuited to virginal virtue, and in others the virgin is a boy in disguise..." Christianity forced these erotic myths into its belief 9. systems, casting the virgin as "...the Mother of God, and the unicorn...[as]...Christ..." Similarly, the single horn, the huntsman, the king's palace, etc., all assumed religious significance, if somewhat farfetched. Alchemists believed in the "...therapeutic qualities of its horn..." such as for antidotes to poisons. Pagan lore associated the moon with the female aspect of creation, yet the unicorn was traditionally male. "...This poses no problem to those versed in the eastern mystical concept of the yin and the yang, which views everything in nature as intrinsically linked together..." (that is, good has its bad side and bad has its good side.) Occult philosophies hold the intermingling of male/female traits, a confusion of roles, as impersonalization of a personal god, etc. Consistently, the unicorn has been considered as a symbol of "...power and sexual prowess.." and/or "...gentleness and is a strange mixture of opposites...Carl Jung in his book, PSYCHOLOGY AND ALCHEMY...concluded that this relationship is symbolized by many variants embracing single- horned animals, both real and mythical..."from one point of view it is penetrating in shape, and therefore active and masculine in significance; and from the other, it is shaped like a receptacle, which is feminine in meaning." " The New Age Movement has adopted it as a symbol. This movement is founded on strong eastern mysticism footings, encompassing "...the women's liberation and gay rights movements...worship of nature...casting off of Biblical morality...[re-adoption] of witchcraft techniques...[including]...occult healing, holism...visualization, regression, rebirthing, etc....The androgynous unicorn has been merely a foreshadowing of the uni-sex mentality...[and]...acceptance of the homosexual and lesbian lifestyles...Thus we see that the unicorn is, in reality, the symbol of a future conqueror [Horus--believed by New Agers to personify the world conqueror overcoming by gentility] who will bring peace to the earth. Who is this but the anti-Christ (the little horn that rises in the midst of the ten horns in Daniel's vision (Daniel 7:8) for whom the world waits, unaware of his true nature?...") I hope this glimpse at one of MEDIA SPOTLIGHT's research articles will give you a flavor o the accuracy and documentation the author incorporates into his topics. You can write to this organization for a list of available articles which cover a variety of cult/occult topics. Ask for a free sample to review. 11. LOCAL NOTES--NATIONWIDE. A. ARVADA, CO., DET. WALT PARSONS notes that the symbol for the Ananda Marga WorldWide is a six-pointed star with a small swastica in the lower- center of the interior hexagon. The Ananda Marga has a HQ in the Denver area and in Toronto, Canada. The worldwide leader R.P. Sakar is in jail in India. "Crimson Dawn," the group's guidebook, calls for seeing the "...blood of American cops to run in the street..." Jim McCarthy, Sanctuary Institute, Boulder, Co., teaches that the Ananda Marga is militant and they believe members are the only people qualified to manage nuclear weapons...the problem is they don't have them, want them, and will probably try to get ours. Members wear necklaces with the star logo. Their full uniform is orange (or saffron) turbans, pantaloons, and shirts. B. SAN JOSE, CA., STEVE BELECKY, sent two articles from the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS. An Anglican priest in Australia exorcised demons from a small-town jail in Yarrabah with the help of the nation's only Aboriginal Anglican Bishop. The local police approved after many of the town's inhabitants said that evil spirits had caused suicides in the jail. A call-in teen party line in San Francisco promoted an upcoming conference for Satanists, occultist and other occultists. The party line call also included this promo., "...And if you're into black magic, why not try (213) 976-CULT?" The teen "CHAT" lines offer the opportunity for the caller to speak with an operator (i.e. for referrals and personalized service!) or 10. "...other callers on such subjects as Satanism, witchcraft and spells, demonology, communication with the dead, sorcery, astrology, tarot card reading for three minutes, said Connie Stephenson, A CULT line operator, Los Angeles homemaker, mother, and self-proclaimed witch..." Such phone services are available in California and 10-15 other states. Teen CHAT services do not openly advertise the CULT line connectons, so check yours out. C. BAKERSFIELD, CA., LAUREL STRATFORD, sent some information from the BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, Oct. 1, 1986, linking animal killings to satanism. Mutilated lambs and bowls of blood were found near a Bakersfield-area ritual altar site last year. Disemboweled sheep were found more recently, as was a tortured and dying dog. Humane Society officers are investigating. The hearts, eyes, and other body parts were removed from the lambs, "...definitely not done by marauding dogs..." CALIFORNIAN columnist Thomas Elias drew the conclusion on Sept. 8, 1986, that satanism was thriving in California. He listed numerous examples of cult-motivation crimes currently under investigation. Elias noted that a recent meeting of Detectives from seven Western states agreed "...[to]...deny it [Satanism] as a factor in crimes in the hope of discouraging copycats. Consistent with that, police and prosecutors are hesitant to label devil-worship as a motive behind any crime..." The Editor strongly disagrees with that conclusion. Satanists and 'wannabe's' know exactly what their lusts and interests are...they'll commit crimes regardless of official police pronouncements. After all, they hold the police in utmost contempt. We don't want to be premature, but when the facts are in, let's call it like it is in media reports; just make sure you can corroborate what you say or imply. D. ALBUQUERQUE, NM, PD, SGT. PAUL JASLER found the following classified ad. in the JOURNAL: "...Attention: Alchemists, witches, wizards, occultists, and parapsychologists, party every Sunday, Count Hurle Pelicancry, POB 992, Alb., NM, 87102." He also alerted the Editor to the practice of 'Curanderism' which was once seen as a part of Spanish culture and as dealing with superstition. Curanderism uses herbs, rituals, and summoning of spirits to heal the sick, it is actively employed by the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc., as a technique for treating the victims of sexual assault. Boy, just what a rape or molestation victim needs, a demonic 'friend' to help out! This technique is apparently gaining professional recognition in the area, but should be recognized for what it is. E. DECATUR, GA., (GA. SHERIFF'S ASSOC.), Donna Burns. THE ATLANTA JOURNAL reported on Sept. 6, 1987, that jurors recommended life imprisonment without parole for 19 year old Cayce Moore. He was "...convicted in the murder of a Ragland convenience store clerk who attorneys said was killed during a fantasy game...Moore and his co- defendents, Scott Davis, 19, and Chris White, 16, were heavily involved in the role-playing games of "Dungeons and Dragons" and "Top Secret" when they robbed the convenience store where Mrs. Macon worked..." Macon was shot to death during the robbery. (Score one more for the 'harmless' fantasy role playing games!) F. FRANKLIN PARK, ILL., PD, DET. BRUCE WALSTAD, found a flyer for the "Witches League for Public Awareness," Box 8736, Salem, Mass., 01971-8736. In part, "...[it] an anti-defamation organization...founded in Salem in May of 1987 by Laurie Cabot, the "Official Witch of Salem, Mass."...[to]...inform the public about what Witches do and do not do..." A list of ten Do' and Don't's of Witches is interesting, such as the term "warlock" which does not mean a male witch. A male witch is a 'witch;' a warlock is a term meaning 'traitor' and was used by the Christian church. Witches also prefer modern transportation to broomstick travel, citing convenience and comfort! 11. G. CHEEKTOWAGA, NY, PD, CAPT. FRED NETZEL, snipped an article from the Sept. 3, 1987, BUFFALO NEWS, titled "7 Held in Ritual at Witch Grave." The seven arrestees were charged after they allegedly "...reveled at the grave of a witch and a warlock, and then burned a nearby house to the ground..." near Berne. (Burne??) Arson-3rd. and Burglary-2nd. took some of the 'rev.' out of the reveling, it seems. (I'm sorry, Fred, I have a weakness for puns! The Ed.) H. WEST OSSIPPEE, NH, STATE POLICE, TPR. ED GIROUX, noted that THE NEW HAMPSHIRE SUNDAY NEWS, Sept. 27, 1987, carried an article about a witchcraft-like ritual used by two women to try to 'exorcise' demons out of Ossippee House, a home for the retarded, in Center Ossippee. The two women, employees of the home, were censured by the state director of mental health for imposing their religious views ('white witchcraft') on the residents of the center. The 'white witches' used their craft to try to rid the house of the evil brought in by a temporary male laborer earlier in the summer. The man made statements indicating that he wanted to do some kind of witchcraft rituals in the house. He generally acted wierd and many unexplained phenomena occured around him. These things prompted the two women to "...sprinkle herbs on all the window sills in the home. They sprayed some form of fluid through the home. They put papers...(containing the Square of Saturn, wrapped in red yard with a clove of garlic attached) each of the client's rooms, hidden in inconspicuous places. Papers were placed over doorways and behind a picture hanging in the dining room. They carried on a verbal ritual while placing the above-mentioned materials..." A complaint letter from another employee initiated the investigation. 12. CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT SOCIETY. Inv. Lucian Howard, D.A.'s Office, Box 458, Guntersville, Ala., 35976, said that this Society was operating in Marshall County during the mid-1970's. Howard worked a murder investigation involving the group and said "Needless to say, I had quite a struggle with the investigation due to disbelief by others and lack of knowledge concerning the occult." He has accumulated a great deal of background information concerning this cult and says that many of the priests of this coven have relocated to different sections of the U.S. He offers his help and information to anyone tracking or doing research on the Children of Light Society. 13. ADAM WALSH CHILD RESOURCE CENTER. Gary Eppler has volunteered the A.W.C.R.C. to act as a clearing house in the Southern California area concerning any calls regarding abduction and/or abuse by cults of children when the victims feel reluctant to report to the proper authorities. The Center is dedicated to reducing the problems of child abuse, child neglect, child exploitation, and missing children. The Center estimates that over one million children are missing in the U.S. each year. Most are runaways and return home. Some are taken by non-custodial parents. Some are throw- aways. The remainder are kidnapped by strangers. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington, D.C., states that the children at greatest risk of stranger abduction are between the ages of 11 and 15. The lures used most often were: assistance for directions, promises of gifts, and rides. 36% of runaways run from physical or sexual abuse; 44% from other severe long term problems. Under-reporting by the police and varying criteria make missing child statistics unreliable. However, it doesn't take a statistician to understand that a kid on the street in a strange city is 'fresh meat' to any number of perverts and cultists. Some are never heard from again. Contact the Adam Walsh Child Resource Center at 770 City Dr.-S., Suite 3100, Orange, Ca., 92668, 714-740-2660. 14. TELETYPE FROM ARVADA, CO. On 10-15-87, Sharon Larson, Arvada PD, sent the following TWX ref: Satanic Activity. "Possible Satanic Activity. Request info. or similar incidents: found in lobby of a church was a brass box/urn (4 1/2" x 5 1/4" x 8 1/2") containing what appears to be ashes. The box/urn was found in a planter in the main lobby of the church (no forced entry) with rope tied around the 12. box/urn. The name plate (Mae E. Jackson, 1891-1962) had been {unreadable} upside down. Any reports of thefts/vandalism from graveyards, etc. or of similar activity, please contact Det. Walt Parsons, 303-431-3062." 15. MASSACRE OF INNOCENCE VIDEOTAPE. Last issue we requested information on this tape concerning abortion in America and the possible link to ancient witchcraft and the occult. C.C.I.N., Inc., has subsequently obtained a copy of the tape and have reviewed it. The first third of the 80 minute VHS tape deals with modern clinical techniques and rationale for abortions. It is graphic and shows actual operations and the dismembered parts of aborted babies...not for young audiences! The final 2/3 places abortion, or the sacrifice of children before idols (sch as of self, convenience, etc.) in a well- researched Biblical and historical perspective. The logic and visual treatment are compelling. The tape appears to be worthwhile at $40, via Contact America, Box 37777, Washington, D.C., 20013, 800-962-2962. It is the first discussion about a possible witchcraft-abortion linkage of which we have become aware, and, of course, it comes from a strong anti-abortion stance. 15. SANTERIA CHURCH RESTRICTED FROM ANIMAL SACRIFICES. The ORLANDO SENTINAL, August 15, 1987, carried an article about state restrictions on Santeria churches wanting to incorporate ritual sacrifices of animals in worship services. These practices are integral to their beliefs, but violate cruelty statues and the public's capacity to accept. "...With deep roots in the Carribean and Latin America, Santeria is widespread in Dade County, which is 43 percent Hispanic. Officials estimate more than 50,000 people dabble in the religion in Dade, and that 10,000 are serious followers..." "...Animal carcassses routinely are found under trees at Dade County cemeteries, on doorsteps, or at crime scenes. They are meant as offerings to gods...[Ernesto Pichardo]...(founder of an open Santeria Church in Hialeah called the Church of Lukami Babalu Aye) intent on institutionalizing Santeria and on practicing it openly in a designated chapel..."Once you institutionalize you can begin to recognize or minimalize or do away with the problems occuring in the community..." (Pichardo said.)" The Florida Attorney General has held that animal sacrifices are unlawful, however. A FLORIDA TODAY article on July 14, 1987, reported from Tallahassee that the advisory opinion requested by the Hialeah City Council stated, in part: "...laws may not restrict religious beliefs, [but] religious practices may be subject to governmental regulation under certain circumstances..." These include cases where the practices "...pose a serious threat to the health, safety, and welfare of...citizens..." Florida state law prohibits sacrificial animal slaughter except for the primary purpose of food consumption, such as Kosher slaughtering, done humanely for the purpose of consumption. On August 17, 1987, the Hialeah Santeria church held its first open service, but without animal sacrifices. Lawsuits against the state are contemplated. It is almost certain that animal sacrifices still remain a common practice in the area, but at night or behind closed doors, instead of in an open meeting place. Thanks to Lt. C.E. Leek, Palm Bay PD, for the articles. CULT CRIME I M P A C T NETWORK inc To add your name to the mailing list, complete the information blocks below and send to: C.C.I.N., Inc., 222 N. Latah St., Boise, Idaho, 83706. TITLE NAME AGENCY STREET CITY STATE ZIP [ ] Enclosed is suggested subscription of $15.00, or, [ ] Later You may wish to order the following reprints to enhance your personal materials: [ ] Seminar Notes (48 pgs.) from the Emergence of Ritualistic Crime Seminar, Ft. Collins, Co., Sept. 1986...$4.00. [ ] Training Notes from the I.P.T.M. Cults, Sects, and Deviant Movements Seminar, Jacksonville, Fla....$2.00. [ ] Packet of all back issues of the FILE 18 NEWSLETTER; will give you all the information and resources published since we started...$5.00. Make Checks payable to: C.C.I.N., Inc. All contributions are tax deductible. _OCCULT-RELATED CRIME INVESTIGATIVE TOOLS_ By David W. Balsiger and Jack Roper Occult-related crimes in America are increasing rapidly. Most law enforcement agencies are unfamiliar with occult-related crime scene clues. To aid police agencies in solving occult-related crimes, the following investigative tools are now available: * _INVESTIGATIVE TOOLS By David W. Balsiger_ * _Occult-Satanism Activity Profile_. A 16-page form to profile individuals or organizations involved in occult-related crimes and other occultic activities. Profiles 1,000 items. Single set - $9.95. Four sets for $19.95. Shipping-Handling $2.50. * _Witchcraft/Satanism Ritual Calendar_. This 1988 ritual calendar profiles 120 witchcraft/satanism ritual dates. $11.95. Shipping- Handling $1.50. * _Occult-Related Homicide Clues_. Lists 30 specific occult-related clues to look for at a homicide scene, plus occult-related items to list in a search warrant and items to look for at any occult ritual site. $9.95. Shipping-Handling $2. * _The Satan Seller_. A book about Mike Warnke, a satanist high priest turned Christian as told to co-author Balsiger. Warnke reveals the demonic forces behind the most deadly occult religion in the world. $3.95. Shipping-Handling $1.50. * _TRAINING TOOLS By Jack Roper_ * _Analyzing Occult Activity Supplement_. A resource publication containing items to look for during occult investigations, a list of 120 authoritative reference books on occultism-satanism, paraphernalia shops, media videos, police occult experts, sources for training materials, and an index to 600 occult-satanism news analysis articles. $9.95. Shipping-Handling $2.50. * _Occult Investigation Slide Training Series_. Fifty unique training slides with script that teach occult crime investigation. $99.95. Shipping-Handling $3.50. Send check or money order. Prices subject to change without notice. Satisfaction guaranteed! Professional consultation, training seminars, and speaking engagements are offered by the Balsiger-Roper team. Writeway Literary Associates P.O. Box 10428 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 850-0349 * (714) 850-0527 12/87