.K.A.M. , A Journal of Traditional Wicca will be following a twice-yearly publication schedule for the near future. The next two issues are planned for Beltaine and Hallows, 1988. Subscriptions are $5 US yearly. Please pay by check or money order in US$ Advertising rates for goods and services are $12.50 per business card, $25.00 per quarter page, $50 per half page per issue. Make checks payable to .K.A.M. We reserve the right to limit subscriptions and advertisements to persons and organizations we deem compatable with our goals and policies. .K.A.M. , A Journal of Traditional Wicca Subscription and Individual Listing Form Name Address or P.O. Box City State ZIP Country Tradition Initiate? Degree? How did you hear about .K.A.M. ? Personal Listing ($1 per issue, limit of 25 words): I am subscribing and/or listing out of a sincere and sympathetic interest in the religion of Traditional Wicca.