TONGUES I. Introduction If ˙someone ˙were ˙to ask you to name the single ˙most ˙important issue ˙facing ˙Evangelical Christianity, ˙what would you ˙answer? Assuredly there are many possible answers, but there is none more divisive or compelling than the Charismatic Movement. ˙No ˙other issue ˙crosses ˙over denominational lines, ˙˙reaching ˙even ˙into Christian ˙Cults and Non-Christian religions, ˙or has ˙a ˙broader global impact than the Charismatic movement. ˙Is it according to Scripture or not? Is it valid for this age or not? There can be no ˙unity ˙within the Body of Christ as long as Charismatics ˙and Non-Charismatics hold to different views. ˙Both cannot be right. This ˙file ˙will ˙not ˙examine all ˙aspects ˙of ˙the ˙Charismatic Movement ˙but ˙will ˙only concern itself with ˙the ˙"Cornerstone" teaching--Tongues. Let me first state that I am not attacking anyone. ˙I ˙am a firm believer ˙that there is only one interpretation for each ˙passage of Scripture but often many applications. Therefore, the purpose of ˙this file is to briefly examine the evidence and to allow the Word ˙of ˙God ˙to declare the truth so we can put ˙to ˙death ˙the divisions ˙among us and get on with sharing the gospel to a ˙lost and dying world. God's ˙Word ˙says, ˙˙"The righteous [saved] hate what ˙is ˙false" (Proverbs 13:5). God is a God of love but He hates sin and false teachings. ˙˙As we approach this study we need to also love ˙the truth and to hate and reject what is false. II. Definition of Tongues Tongues ˙as ˙it is used in the Bible is the greek ˙word ˙"glossa" which ˙has the simple meaning, ˙"an organ of speech; ˙˙language." The word "tongues" has become the general term used by the church for ˙the ˙spiritual ˙gift ˙of the ability to speak ˙in ˙a ˙"known language" ˙˙without having first learned the language. ˙˙It ˙was first ˙displayed on the day of Pentecost by the Disciples as each one ˙began to speak in a real language that he had not ˙acquired. These ˙languages could be understood by those from various ˙lands familiar ˙with ˙them. ˙˙It was not ˙gibberish ˙but ˙intelligible language. ˙˙If ˙Pentecost were to have happened today ˙then ˙the disciples ˙would ˙have spoken in ˙Russian, ˙˙Chinese, ˙˙Japanese, German, etc. Most ˙Charismatics ˙would agree that "tongues," ˙as it ˙is ˙known today, ˙˙is the act of speaking in an "unknown ˙language." ˙˙The speaker begins uttering sounds that do not readily make any sense to ˙him ˙but can sometimes be interpreted by someone ˙having ˙the gift ˙of interpretations. ˙Tongues are spoken in both the Church and ˙in ˙the ˙home: ˙in the Church during certain ˙services ˙with someone ˙there to give the interpretation and at home in ˙private prayer to God. Many Charismatics claim that the ability to speak in tongues is a sign of spiritual maturity and blessing. III. History of Tongues Movement A. Tongues Began on Pentecost They ˙were ˙a "visible sign" ˙to the Jews that the ˙Apostles ˙and believers were indwelled with the Holy Spirit. ˙The tongues that were spoken were "known languages" ˙of the that day. ˙(Acts 2:1- 13). B. Tongues Spoken by Gentiles While ˙Paul was preaching the Gospel at the home of Cornelius the gentiles ˙who heard the message began speaking in tongues ˙(other known ˙languages) ˙and the Jewish believers who were present were astonished ˙that even the Gentiles had received the Holy ˙Spirit. (Acts 10:23-48). C. Tongues Listed as a Spiritual Gift Paul in writing to the Corinthian Church, ˙gives a listing of the valid Spiritual Gifts for that day and Tongues is the last listed (1 Cor 12:4-11). D. Tongues Misused in The Church Paul rebukes the Corinthian Church for an apparent misuse of ˙the Gift ˙of ˙Tongues ˙in the Church and gives some guidance ˙on ˙the proper use of the gift (1 Cor 14:1-40). E. Tongues Declared to Someday "Be Stilled" The ˙Scriptures reveal that a day would come when ˙tongues ˙would "be stilled" (1 Cor 13:8). They would stop in and of themselves. That is, ˙no outside force would cause them to cease. ˙The ˙verb translated ˙"be stilled" ˙is the greek word "pauo" ˙which has the clear ˙meaning ˙that the activity will stop "in and ˙of ˙itself." They will "be stilled" ˙by no external action or event; ˙˙rather, tongues will "die out" on their own. F. Tongues Ceased to be Mentioned in Scripture The ˙gift ˙of tongues does not appear in Scripture ˙after ˙Paul's discussion ˙˙of ˙their ˙misuse ˙in ˙his ˙first ˙letter ˙˙to ˙˙the Corinthians. ˙˙˙There ˙˙is ˙˙one ˙˙other ˙˙mention ˙˙of ˙˙tongues chronologically in the Bible but appears in the textually unsound and ˙contestable passages of Mark 16:9-20. ˙These verses do ˙not appear ˙in the two most reliable early manuscripts of the ˙gospel and most likely were added by a scribe. (Note: ˙The following information listed in items G. ˙through ˙J. was ˙extracted ˙from the book "The Truth ˙about ˙Tongues," ˙˙John MacArthur, Word of Grace, pp. 15-18, 1984). G. Early Church Fathers did not Mention Tongues as Valid in ˙Their Day 1. Clement of Rome - wrote a letter to the Corinthians in 95 A.D. discussing ˙all ˙of their spiritual problems. ˙˙Tongues ˙were never mentioned. 2. Justin Martyr - compiled a listing of spiritual gifts active in ˙his time (A.D. ˙100-165) ˙and did not include the gift ˙of tongues. 3. Origen ˙- never mentioned tongues and even argued ˙that ˙the "signs" ˙˙of ˙the ˙Apostolic Age were temporary ˙and ˙that ˙no contemporary ˙Christian ˙exercised any of these ˙early ˙"sign" gifts. (A.D. 185-253). 4. ˙Chrysostom - writing on 1 Corinthians and the gift of tongues said, ˙"This whole place is very obscure; but the obscurity is produced by our ignorance of the facts referred to and by ˙the cessation, being such as then used to occur, but now no longer take place." (A.D. 347-407). 5. Augustine - comments on Acts 2:4: "In the earliest times, 'the Holy Ghost fell upon them that believed: ˙and they spake ˙with tongues,'. . .These were signs adapted to the time. For there behooved ˙to be that betokening of the Holy Spirit. ˙. ˙˙.That thing was done for a betokening, and it passed away." H. Supposed Occurrences of Tongues Since the Apostolic Age 1. ˙˙Montanus ˙and ˙Tertullian - During the period of ˙the ˙early church ˙the ˙only people who were reported to have ˙spoken ˙in tongues ˙˙were ˙the ˙followers ˙of ˙Montanus ˙and ˙Tertullian. Montanus, ˙a ˙recent convert, ˙claimed to be the spokesman for the ˙Holy Spirit. ˙He believed that Christ would soon set ˙up the ˙Kingdom ˙in ˙the city of Phrygia, ˙and tried ˙to ˙justify speaking ˙in tongues as an occurrence of the end of ˙the ˙age. Montanus ˙˙was ˙˙expelled ˙from ˙the ˙church ˙as ˙a ˙˙heretic. Tertullian ˙was a disciple of Montanus who advocated ˙speaking in ˙tongues ˙as well. ˙He lived from A.D. ˙150-222. ˙˙(After Montanus and Tertullian, ˙the next eruption of tongues was not until the late seventeenth century.) 2. The Cevenols - The gift of ecstatic utterance was claimed by a group ˙of ˙persecuted Protestants in ˙southern ˙France ˙around 1685. ˙They believed that their little children, who knew only the local dialect, ˙were able to speak in perfect french while in a trance. ˙The group was soon discredited because of their night raids and military reprisals against their enemies. And because ˙all ˙their prophecies went ˙unfulfilled, ˙˙they ˙were branded ˙as ˙heretics ˙and ˙not considered to ˙be ˙a ˙part ˙of Mainline Christianity. 3. ˙˙The ˙Jansenists - Around 1731, ˙a ˙group of ˙Roman ˙Catholic reformers ˙called the Jansenists, ˙were holding night meetings at ˙their leader's tomb during which they supposedly spoke ˙in ecstatic languages. 4. ˙˙The Shakers - The Shakers were followers of Mother Ann ˙Lee, who lived from 1736-1784. ˙She regarded herself as the female equivalent of Jesus Christ--God in a female body. She founded the Shaker community in Troy, ˙New York, ˙and claimed that she had received a revelation from God that sexual intercourse was corrupt. . .even within marriage. It is said that in order to teach ˙her ˙followers ˙to ˙mortify the ˙flesh ˙and ˙to ˙resist temptation, ˙˙she ˙instituted the practice of ˙men ˙and ˙women dancing together in the nude while they spoke in tongues. 5. ˙˙The Irvingites - About 1830, ˙Edward Irving started a little group in London known as the Irvingites. ˙This group began to speak in tongues but was soon discredited for several reasons: Their ˙revelations ˙contradicted Scripture, ˙their ˙prophecies went ˙unfulfilled, ˙˙their supposed healings were followed ˙by death, ˙˙there were rumors of immorality, ˙and some ˙of ˙their leading members were accused of fraud. I. The Pentecostal Movement Tongues became a part of mainline Christianity in 1901 ˙at Bethel Bible College in Topeka, ˙Kansas. ˙Agnes Ozman received what she called ˙"the baptism of the Holy Spirit" ˙accompanied by speaking in tongues. J. The Charismatic Movement In 1960, in Van Nuys, California, the modern Charismatic movement began in an Episcopalian church. ˙It soon spread across mainline denominations of all kinds. Today ˙˙the ˙Tongues ˙movement ˙has ˙taken ˙hold ˙in ˙nearly ˙all denominations. ˙˙There are Evangelicals, ˙Lutherans, ˙Catholics, Baptists, ˙Methodists, ˙Presbyterians, ˙and even Mormons claiming the ˙"unity ˙of the Spirit" ˙through ˙the ˙Charismatic ˙movement. Never have we seen such a unifying of the separated denominations as we have seen in recent years. Though ˙the ˙Charismatic Movement is widespread the ˙question ˙we need ˙˙to ˙answer ˙is, ˙˙"Is ˙it ˙Biblical?"" ˙˙Lets ˙begin ˙our investigation with a look at the purpose of tongues. IV. The Purpose of the Gift of Tongues A. Confirming Sign Gift 1. Chronology of Sign Gifts During ˙three ˙specific periods of prophetic revelation, ˙˙the period ˙of Moses and Joshua, ˙the period of Elijah and Elisha, the period of Christ and the Apostles, God has accompanied His revelation by confirming miracles. ˙We do not see ˙miraculous events ˙occurring ˙in ˙the ˙Bible apart ˙from ˙new ˙Scriptural revelation. ˙˙Tongues ˙were ˙part of the many ˙miracles ˙that occurred during the time of Christ and the Apostles (A.D. ˙28- 90). ˙These miraculous gifts were to confirm the authenticity of ˙the ˙messages and preachers as being from God. ˙The ˙last recorded ˙miracle in the Bible is found in Acts 28:7-10 ˙˙with the healing of Publius' father by the Apostle Paul. 2. Chronology of New Testament Tongues Tongues have their beginning at Pentecost, where the Disciples received ˙the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and displayed ˙the ability ˙to speak in known languages of their day ˙which ˙they had ˙never "learned" ˙beforehand, ˙and this remains typical of the passages found in Acts. a. Acts 2:4 "All ˙of ˙them [the Disciples] were filled ˙with ˙the ˙Holy Spirit ˙and began to speak in other tongues [languages] ˙as the Spirit enabled them." It ˙is critical to understand that the gift of tongues ˙was in ˙˙its ˙˙purest ˙state ˙here ˙without ˙man's ˙misuse ˙˙or distortion. ˙˙Let's note what the God-fearing Jews from ˙at least ˙15 ˙different nations had to say about the ˙type ˙of "tongues" they heard that day, "Utterly amazed, they asked: 'are ˙not all these men who are speaking Galileans? ˙˙Then how ˙is ˙it ˙that each of us hears them in his ˙own ˙native language?. . ˙.we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!'" ˙(Acts 2:5-11). ˙Tongues were unlearned known ˙languages ˙which ˙could ˙be understood ˙by ˙Jews ˙of corresponding backgrounds. b. Acts 10:44-46 "While ˙Peter was still speaking these words [the ˙Gospel], the Holy Spirit came on on all who heard the message. ˙The circumcised ˙believers who had come [to Cornelius' ˙˙house] with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had ˙been poured out even on the Gentiles. ˙For they ˙heard them speaking in tongues and praising God." Again as the confirming sign of the Gospel message ˙tongues are ˙spoken, ˙˙this time by Gentiles, ˙as the ˙Holy ˙Spirit signifies ˙the ˙equality ˙of Gentile ˙believers ˙with ˙Jews through their faith. c. Acts 19:6 "When Paul placed his hands on them, ˙the Holy Spirit ˙came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied." This ˙occurred ˙in Ephesus, ˙a ˙Gentile city in Asia ˙Minor after ˙disciples of John the Baptist were instructed ˙about the Lord Jesus. ˙Again, ˙the Holy Spirit confirms ˙through tongues ˙that ˙the ˙message was true and the ˙believers ˙of every background are equal by faith. d. 1 Corinthians 14 A ˙study ˙of ˙1 Corinthians 14 ˙reveals ˙that ˙speaking ˙in tongues had already caused disturbances and disorder. Paul writes to try to straighten out the problem and lists ˙some basic facts about the gift of tongues. In ˙Corinth ˙the ˙miracle ˙of ˙the ˙gift ˙of ˙tongues ˙˙had deteriorated ˙˙from ˙˙that ˙seen ˙in ˙Acts. ˙˙As ˙˙Paul's instructions ˙˙unfold ˙we ˙see ˙that ˙tongues ˙were ˙˙being counterfeited by unknown "mystery" ˙languages; that tongues were ˙being exalted above even prophecy; ˙that tongues were being spoken without interpretation in the worship service; that ˙praying in tongues had become common; ˙that too ˙many tongue ˙speakers were vying for attention ˙during ˙worship; and ˙that ˙women ˙were ˙taking a dominant ˙role ˙in ˙church through tongue speaking. ˙No longer are tongues being used properly. B. A Sign of Judgment for Israel In ˙1 ˙Corinthians 14:21 ˙Paul quotes Isaiah 28:11,12 ˙and ˙says, "Through ˙˙men ˙of ˙strange ˙tongues ˙and ˙through ˙the ˙lips ˙of foreigners ˙I will speak to this people, ˙but even then they will not ˙listen to me." ˙God had spoken to Israel in clear ˙language for ˙centuries and yet she did not listen and ultimately executed her ˙own Messiah. ˙Now God shows that He has turned from the Jews to the Gentiles with the message of salvation. ˙He gave the gift of tongues to Christians to serve as a rebuke against unbelieving Jews. ˙˙Nowhere in the Bible is the gift of tongues mentioned as occurring apart from the presence of Jews. C. Tongues were a Sign for Unbelievers The ˙gift ˙of ˙tongues ˙was never ˙intended ˙for ˙Christians ˙for themselves; ˙˙it ˙was ˙intended as a sign ˙for ˙the ˙unbelievers, "Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers " ˙(1 Cor 14:22). ˙The Jews of that time were brought up to have "faith in signs." ˙Thus Jesus said in Matthew 12:39, ˙"A ˙wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign. ˙. ." And Paul writes in 1 Cor 1:22, "Jews demand miraculous signs. . ." ˙The accounts of ˙tongues ˙in ˙the ˙Scriptures ˙took place ˙in ˙the ˙cities ˙of Jerusalem, ˙˙Caesarea, ˙Ephesus and Corinth, ˙which all had large Jewish populations. Through the gift of tongues God signified to the ˙Jews that His blessing and power was upon those who ˙claimed Christ as Savior and Lord. V. Doctrine of Tongues A. Biblical Teachings 1. The Gift of Tongues Will Be Stilled - 1 Cor 13:8 The Bible says, ˙"Where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; ˙where there is knowledge, ˙it will pass away" (1 Cor 13:8). A ˙careful study of the Greek reveals that the three verbs used here, ˙˙"cease, stilled, ˙˙and pass" ˙are not the same greek words. ˙The ˙two words ˙translated ˙"cease and pass" ˙are the same ˙greek ˙word (katargeo) ˙˙and carry with them the meaning "that the ˙action they ˙describe ˙will stop as a result of an outside ˙force ˙or event." ˙˙However, ˙˙the ˙word translated ˙"stilled" ˙˙(pauo) referring ˙to tongues has the clear meaning that the ˙activity will stop "in and of itself." Therefore, ˙˙prophecies and knowledge are classed together and will be terminated when "something" acts on them. ˙Tongues is separate ˙and will "be stilled" ˙not by an external action ˙or event; ˙rather, ˙tongues are to "die out" ˙on their own. ˙˙An analogy could be to view the three gifts as three fires. ˙The fires ˙of ˙prophecies and knowledge will ˙be ˙extinguished ˙by "someone" ˙˙with ˙a fire extinguisher or a ˙bucket ˙of ˙water. However, ˙the fire of tongues will "go out" all by itself with no ˙external action needed. ˙The context of the passage ˙even reveals ˙another ˙distinction about the three, ˙"For ˙we ˙know [knowledge] ˙in ˙part ˙and we prophesy ˙[prophecy] ˙in ˙part." Tongues ˙are ˙not mentioned, ˙and prophecy and ˙knowledge ˙are shown ˙to be less than complete, ˙"know in part; ˙prophesy ˙in part." ˙The very next verse says, "but when perfection comes, the ˙imperfect disappears." ˙Notice that the ˙"imperfect" ˙˙is something ˙not complete, ˙something that ˙lacks ˙completeness, i.e., ˙˙prophecy ˙and ˙knowledge. ˙They ˙disappear ˙when ˙the "perfection comes." Whatever this perfection is it was future to Paul day. So ˙tongues were expected to "die out" ˙at some time future to the ˙Paul's ˙writings. ˙˙This leads one ˙to ˙understand ˙that tongues ˙would ˙at some point in history no longer be ˙needed. After ˙Chapter 14 ˙in the book of 1 Corinthians the mention of Tongues disappears from Scripture. 2. Tongues can be Counterfeited - 1 Cor 12:3, 14:2 "Therefore I tell you that no one speaking who is speaking ˙by the Spirit of God says, 'Jesus be cursed,' and no one can say, 'Jesus is Lord,' except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor 12:3). "Anyone ˙who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men ˙but ˙to God. ˙Indeed no one understands him; ˙he utters mysteries with his spirit" (1 Cor 14:2). This ˙cannot be the true gift of tongues that we saw in Acts 2 where ˙the Disciples spoke to men (foreign ˙God-fearing ˙Jews) praising God and edified others, not themselves. Paul is here exposing ˙a ˙false ˙tongue movement had ˙that ˙had ˙arisen ˙in Corinth. 3. To Prophesy is Better than Tongues - 1 Cor 14:5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather ˙have you prophesy. ˙He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, ˙unless he interprets, ˙so that the church may be edified." It ˙was ˙the Apostle's desire that all the ˙Corinthians ˙speak with ˙the true gift of tongues, ˙but he would rather that they preach ˙˙God's ˙Word ˙in ˙their ˙natural ˙language ˙(Gift ˙˙of Prophecy). 4. Tongues without Interpretation is Forbidden - 1 Cor 14:6-13 This Scripture states that whenever someone speaks in a tongue there ˙˙must ˙˙be ˙an ˙interpretation ˙which ˙˙provides ˙˙some revelation, knowledge, prophecy, or word of instruction to the church. 5. Praying in a Tongue is Condemned - 1 Cor 14:14-17 Here ˙Scripture says that when a person prays in a tongue ˙his spirit ˙prays but his mind is unfruitful. ˙Paul says "no" ˙to this ˙type ˙of ˙praying and says we must pray ˙with ˙both ˙our spirit ˙and our minds. ˙This is simply praying in a ˙language that ˙is intelligible to our minds and to others who may ˙hear us. 6. Limited Number to Speak Tongues in Church - 1 Cor 14:26-28 Again Scripture teaches that if the true gift of tongues is to be ˙used ˙in the church a maximum of only ˙three ˙persons ˙may speak and then only one at a time. There must also be someone who can interpret what was spoken. 7. Women Not to Speak in Tongues in the Church - 1 Cor 14:33-35 Here ˙God clearly forbids women from having a "speaking ˙role" in the formal church service. Tongues are not to be spoken by them. ˙The context and intensity of the restrictions are such that ˙woman are not to have any leadership role in the ˙church service, ˙˙because ˙women ˙are ˙never ˙to ˙exercise ˙spiritual authority over men (1 ˙Tim 2:12). ˙In fact, ˙Scripture states that ˙if they have questions they are to wait to discuss ˙them until they are at home with their husbands. 8. Do Not Forbid Speaking in Tongues - 1 Cor 14:39 Paul ˙clearly states that the church is not to forbid speaking in tongues. However, it must understood that his statement is in ˙regards ˙to ˙the ˙true gift of tongues ˙as ˙manifested ˙on Pentecost and in accordance with the guidance Paul had related in the previous 38 verses. Also, we must remember that no one must ˙forbid ˙the speaking in tongues as long as the ˙gift ˙is valid; ˙but, ˙if it is determined that the gift of tongues has ceased ˙as a spiritual gift then the church must forbid ˙using them. B. Charismatic Teachings 1. Tongues Valid Gift of Spirit Today Charismatics ˙will ˙claim ˙one of ˙two ˙explanations ˙for ˙the current tongues movement; a. Tongues Never Ceased Charismatics ˙trace ˙their roots back to Pentecost ˙through the historical, heretical incidents. b. Tongues Started Up Again "And afterward, ˙I ˙will pour out my Spirit on all ˙people. Your ˙sons and daughters will prophesy, ˙your old men ˙will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. ˙Even on my servants, ˙both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days" (Joel 2:28,29). Using ˙Joel the Charismatics maintain that tongues, ˙˙which did ˙cease, ˙˙have started up again because these ˙are ˙the "last days." ˙However, ˙the content of this passage refers to the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" (Joel 2:31), or the Second Coming of Christ. Also, Joel's prophecy did not mention tongues as part of the outpouring of the Spirit ˙in the last days. ˙It is true that at Pentecost Peter ˙quoted Joel 2 to explain the outpouring of the Spirit, yet because of the correct interpretation of Joel, ˙he cannot have been referring to the Millennial Kingdom. Rather, he was saying that ˙the Jews at Pentecost were merely glimpsing ˙some ˙of the ˙power ˙that will occur in the Kingdom ˙after ˙Christ's return 2. Tongues are Universally Available Charismatics ˙teach ˙that tongues are one of the gifts of ˙the Spirit ˙available to anyone who has been Baptized in the ˙Holy Spirit ˙(Luke 11:13, ˙Acts 2:39). ˙This baptism is ˙not ˙just conversion but a "second blessing" ˙subsequent to ˙conversion. This ˙concept denies Scripture which states that all believers have received the Holy Spirit upon conversion (Acts 2:38). ˙A second ˙filling ˙of the Spirit is a Biblical concept, ˙˙but ˙a second baptism is not. Also, Paul writes in 1 Cor 12:29, that not all have the gift of tongues. 3. Tongues Will Edify You "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself. . ." (1 Cor 14:4). Charismatics ˙teach that anyone who speaks in a tongue does so for his own benefit, ˙yet the Bible says tongues were given to edify ˙others, ˙as can be understood by the ˙commandment ˙that interpreters ˙must be present whenever tongues were spoken ˙(1 Cor 14:5). ˙Furthermore, Paul also says in 1 Cor 10:24 ˙that, "Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." 4. Tongues are Valid as a Prayer Language Charismatics ˙quote ˙several ˙passages to ˙support ˙a ˙tongues prayer language; ˙"I will pray with my spirit. ˙. ˙." ˙(1 ˙Cor 14:15). ˙"For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God" ˙(1 Cor 14:2). ˙"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels. . ." (1 Cor 13:1). The ˙context ˙of the 1 Corinthians 14 ˙passages refer ˙to ˙the misuse of tongues. ˙1 Cor 14:15 goes on to say, ˙"I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind," ˙stressing one's need to be aware of what one is saying in prayer as well as being led by the Spirit. ˙The passage in 1 Cor 13:1 ˙about the "tongue of angels" ˙is widely regarded as being hyperbole, or Paul's exaggeration of exotic speech without love, ˙because this ˙expression is found nowhere else in Scripture. ˙We ˙are never told about an angelic language or even that men are able to speak in an angelic tongue. VI. Dangers of the Tongues Movement A. Creates Disrespect for Scripture 1. Disregards Scripture a. Ecumenical Movement This movement, which claims a oneness of the Spirit between Christians, ˙non-Christians, heretics and the orthodox, ˙is against ˙clear Biblical injunctions (1 ˙Cor 14:38; ˙2 ˙˙Cor 6:14,15). It makes the basis for Christian fellowship to be experience, not doctrine and common practice. b. Women Speaking The Bible teaches that a woman's role is submissive, ˙˙that is, she is not to take pre-eminence in the worship service. Yet, often it is the women who speak tongues in Charismatic meetings. c. Vain Repetitions The Bible commands that Christians pray without using "many words" ˙(Matthew 6:7). ˙Yet Charismatics use repetition of words as the main tool for acquiring the gift of tongues. As an example of this, ˙a ˙Lutheran minister announced at a Missionary ˙˙Conference ˙that ˙he ˙was, ˙˙"a ˙spirit-filled minister, and that the Lord has commissioned me to speak at the conference." ˙He was refused the opportunity to ˙speak and ˙then ˙started ˙counter meetings to ˙which ˙he ˙invited people. ˙About 40 missionaries went along, ˙some merely out of curiosity. ˙At the meeting the minister had spoken ˙and sung ˙˙in ˙˙tongues ˙˙for ˙a ˙long ˙time ˙˙without ˙˙anyone interpreting. ˙˙One of the missionaries had the courage to ask ˙him personally how one could receive this gift. ˙˙The answer ˙was typical, ˙and it showed the kind of ˙"spiritual gift" ˙˙the minister had. ˙He said, ˙"You must think of ˙a short prayer, perhaps the phrase 'Lord help me,' and repeat this prayer five to eight hundred times. ˙Then your tongue and consciousness will get used to it and suddenly you will speak in 'tongues.'" 2. Distorts Scripture a. "Open Your Mouth" Charismatics ˙believe ˙that if you "pray to ˙receive ˙Jesus Christ ˙as your Savior" ˙then you can begin to manifest the gifts ˙of ˙the Holy Spirit. ˙The first one is usually ˙the gift of tongues. They say, "By faith, ˙open your mouth and begin ˙to ˙speak whatever new words or sounds that come ˙to you ˙(p.14, ˙"Receive All God Has To Give," ˙Woman's ˙Aglow Fellowship, ˙1971, Lynnwood, WA.) ˙The proof text they use is ˙Psalm 81:10b, ˙"Open your mouth wide, ˙and I will ˙fill it." The clear context of that verse has nothing at all to do ˙with God putting words or strange sounds in our mouths; rather, ˙˙God refers to the fact that He brought Israel ˙up out ˙of ˙Egypt (Psalm 81:10a), ˙and will provide ˙her ˙with food, ˙˙"you would be fed with the finest of ˙wheat; ˙˙with honey from the rock I would satisfy you (Psalm 81:16). The ˙Charismatics ˙state, ˙"Speaking in tongues ˙(your ˙new spiritual language) begins with an act of the will. . ˙.YOU MUST ˙CHOOSE TO SPEAK. ˙. ˙. ˙GOD WILL GIVE THE ˙UTTERANCE" (p.14, ˙˙"Receive ˙All ˙God Has To ˙Give," ˙˙Woman's ˙Aglow Fellowship, ˙˙1971, ˙˙Lynnwood, ˙WA.). ˙They ˙are ˙clearly advocating a "private prayer language" used when conversing with ˙God. ˙Jesus said, ˙"When you pray, ˙do not ˙keep ˙on babbling ˙like pagans, ˙for they think they will ˙be ˙heard because ˙of ˙their ˙many words.....This is how ˙you ˙should pray: 'Our Father in Heaven. . . '"(Matthew 6:7-9). The ˙˙word ˙translated ˙"babbling" ˙˙is ˙the ˙˙greek ˙˙word "battalogeo" ˙˙˙which ˙literally ˙means ˙to ˙speak ˙with ˙a stammering, ˙stuttering gibberish (much like the pagans did to their gods). ˙Jesus even gives an example how to ˙pray, "Our Father. . .," notice that it is in the language of the people, not a "spiritual prayer language." b. Train Yourself to Speak in Tongues Charismatics teach that one must must learn his or her ˙new language ˙and ˙train ˙oneself to speak in ˙tongues ˙through repetition. ˙˙This ˙is not the type of language we see ˙at Pentecost, ˙˙nor ˙do we see the disciples urging others ˙to seek ˙the ˙gift ˙by any means. ˙Yet we ˙find ˙Charismatics urging ˙others ˙to ˙do this. ˙For example, ˙a ˙˙woman ˙who belonged ˙to the Charismatic movement was the leader ˙of ˙a girl's class. ˙She herself spoke in tongues and wanted the girls ˙to ˙learn how to pray and sing in tongues ˙as ˙well. She ˙explained to those members of the class ˙who ˙followed her unquestionably, ˙that one could be prepared to ˙receive the ˙gift of tongues by the constant repetition of ˙certain phrases ˙out loud. ˙She would speak and the ˙others ˙would repeat ˙in chorus after her. ˙And, ˙in fact, ˙a ˙few weeks later some of the girls could speak in tongues. c. Slain in the Spirit? In California, ˙a ˙woman went to a meeting held by a member of ˙the ˙tongues ˙movement. ˙The speaker spoke ˙about ˙the necessity ˙of the gift of tongues, ˙and in an after-meeting she allowed hands to be laid on her in order to receive the Baptism ˙of ˙the ˙Holy Spirit and the gift of ˙speaking ˙in tongues. ˙˙At that moment she fell down unconscious. ˙˙On coming ˙round ˙again she found herself lying on ˙the ˙floor with ˙˙her ˙˙mouth ˙still ˙opening ˙and ˙˙shutting ˙˙itself automatically ˙without ˙a ˙word being ˙uttered. ˙˙She ˙was terribly frightened. ˙Standing around her were some of the people ˙who ˙were ˙followers of this ˙evangelist ˙and ˙they exclaimed, "O sister, you have really spoken wonderfully in tongues. Now you have the Holy Spirit." But the victim of this so-called baptism of the Holy Spirit was cured. ˙˙She never again returned to this group of tongues speakers. B. Discourages Spirituality 1. Tongues Replace the Bible? Charismatics ˙claim to adhere strictly to the Bible but ˙in practice ˙scrutinize ˙Scripture ˙through ˙their ˙˙emotional experiences. ˙˙This ˙can ˙and does ˙lead ˙to ˙an ˙eventual disregard ˙of ˙the Bible in preference to their ˙subjective revelations. ˙˙˙For ˙instance, ˙˙at ˙a ˙Bible ˙college ˙the Charismatic ˙movement ˙broke ˙out ˙with ˙a ˙number ˙of ˙the professors and students speaking in tongues. A student who was ˙deeply involved in this new movement declared that ˙he did ˙not need to read the Bible anymore, ˙God ˙the ˙Father would himself appear and speak to him. ˙However, six other students ˙who ˙had ˙first sought ˙this ˙"second ˙blessing," discounted it when they felt something weird was going on. 2. The Second Blessing Brings Joy? Charismatics teach that the "second blessing" is the source for ˙the ˙Christian ˙joy. ˙Yet, ˙because of ˙the ˙"letdown effect" of loss of euphoria or of never having acquired the "second blessing" ˙some Christians are not finding any ˙joy at all. ˙As an example, another Bible college is the scene where ˙a ˙woman ˙student wanted the ˙baptism ˙of ˙the ˙Holy Spirit. ˙˙She had hands laid on her by a preacher ˙from ˙a Charismatic church. ˙But because the expected blessing did not come, the girl went another five times within that week to ˙have hands laid on her. ˙She then experienced ˙a ˙warm feeling that she regarded as the second blessing. ˙And the result? ˙˙She no longer finds it a joy to be a ˙Christian. Today she has slipped so far that she completely disregards praying and reading God's word. 3. Give me Tongues or I die A doctor's daughter had been influenced by some friends who spoke ˙in ˙tongues. ˙She then began to pray for ˙the ˙gift herself. For weeks she begged earnestly for this so-called proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. ˙When her ˙prayer went ˙unanswered, ˙˙in ˙desperation ˙she ˙tried ˙to ˙commit suicide. C. Creates Division 1. Churches Some missionaries went to a conference and were praying and fasting so as to receive a new blessing. ˙After a few days speaking in tongues broke out among the group. Then all 18 were seized by it and they called it the "second blessing." After the conference they returned to their churches. They explained to their congregations that to prove one had ˙the baptism ˙of ˙the Holy Spirit it was necessary to ˙speak ˙in tongues. ˙Their followers asked, ˙"Well, ˙which is ˙right, what ˙you ˙told ˙us originally or what you are ˙telling ˙us now?" ˙There was such confusion that all 18 ˙churches ˙were ruined by splits over the doctrine of tongues. 2. Individuals Two ˙Christian ˙friends had been believers for ˙some ˙years when ˙one day they were invited to the meeting of a ˙tongue speaking ˙group. ˙The atmosphere of the ˙meeting ˙affected them ˙so ˙much that afterwards they prayed for ˙the ˙second blessing ˙of ˙the ˙baptism ˙of ˙the ˙Holy ˙Spirit. ˙˙After intensive prayer it was as if something hot came over them. They ˙felt ˙very ˙excited inside. ˙For a ˙few ˙weeks ˙they revelled in this new experience, ˙but slowly these waves of feeling abated. ˙One of the individuals lost all desire to read ˙the ˙Bible ˙and ˙to ˙pray. ˙˙He ˙then ˙examined ˙his experience in the light of the Scriptures and realized that it ˙was not of God. ˙He repented and denounced it and ˙got back ˙his ˙original ˙assurance and peace ˙with ˙God. ˙˙His friend, ˙˙on the other hand, ˙continued in these "tongues." Today ˙he ˙will ˙not even consider the ˙idea ˙of ˙going ˙on further as a Christian: tongues destroyed him. D. Preaches False Doctrine (leading to possible false professions) 1. A Tongue Speaking Prophetess A ˙woman ˙was converted and for the first few years ˙was ˙a faithful ˙follower of Jesus and lived a well balanced life. Then one day she listen to an evangelist who told her ˙that unless ˙she ˙spoke ˙in ˙tongues she had ˙not ˙received ˙the baptism ˙of ˙the Holy Spirit. ˙The woman then ˙sought ˙the laying on of hands. ˙Since then she has spoken in ˙tongues and ˙has ˙led ˙other Christians to speak in ˙tongues ˙also, bringing ˙them ˙into ˙a similar experience as ˙hers. ˙˙She believes ˙that she is a prophetess of God with the gift ˙of discernment. ˙˙It is her practice to look directly at non- Charismatic ˙Christians ˙and say, ˙"I can see in your ˙eyes that you have not received the Holy Spirit." She also uses the ˙˙laying ˙on ˙of ˙her ˙hands ˙for ˙healings ˙˙and ˙˙for conversions. ˙This type of conversion means that people do not have to recognize, confess, and repent of their sin and surrender their lives to Christ through faith; ˙all that is necessary ˙is that this prophetess lays her hands on ˙them. By ˙her ˙deception she is unwittingly ˙condemning ˙many ˙to believe that they can be saved without Christ. 2. No Tongues then No Baptism Charismatics ˙teach that tongues are the sign of ˙spiritual blessing ˙and ˙proof of salvation. ˙This teaching ˙may ˙be damaging to unsuspecting mature Christians and also to more recent converts. ˙For example, ˙a ˙student in college ˙was invited to Charismatic Church by his friends. ˙The message had ˙the ˙usual slant: ˙only the person who has ˙spoken ˙in tongues ˙has been baptized by the Holy Spirit, ˙i.e., ˙˙has truly been saved. ˙The student prayed for this gift. Some days ˙later ˙one of the speakers from the church ˙laid ˙his hands ˙on him. ˙He then experienced a warm sensation going through him and began to speak in tongues. ˙He had no idea what ˙he was really praying at the time, ˙but he ˙felt ˙his emotions being stirred up. After ˙a few weeks the student no longer had any desire ˙to read ˙his Bible or to pray, ˙and his original assurance ˙of salvation disappeared. ˙It was only after he had denounced this ˙experience which he had had that he received back the assurance of salvation and peace with God. E. Blasphemes Holy Spirit 1. Exalts the Holy Spirit above other members of the Trinity. 2. Challenges Holy Spirit's work at conversion, i.e., ˙says we need a "Second Blessing." 3. Attributes Satan's counterfeit tongue to the Holy Spirit. F. Turns Off Unbeliever 1. Behavior in Church Service "So ˙if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in ˙tongues, ˙˙and ˙some ˙who do ˙not ˙understand ˙or ˙some unbelievers come in, will they say that you are out of your mind?" (1 Cor 14:23). 2. Witness is Compromised The ˙scandalous ˙behavior of some Charismatic leaders, ˙˙as evidenced ˙˙in ˙the ˙recent ˙PTL ˙Club ˙and ˙Oral ˙˙Roberts controversies, ˙has brought great discredit to the Name and Work ˙of ˙Jesus Christ. ˙It has ˙created ˙suspicion ˙among unbelievers ˙and many now question the creditability of all Christians and Church leaders. VII. Conclusion The Tongues of the Charismatic movement are not Scriptural. ˙The Bible ˙must be disregarded or reinterpreted to support the claims of its proponents. ˙History does not support the movement, ˙˙nor does the outworking of its practitioners. ˙And since there is no Scriptural ˙basis ˙for the tongues movement we see today ˙we ˙can only conclude that the source is not God. Emotionalism certainly plays an enormous part of the movement, ˙but since Christians and non-Christians alike share in this experience the source must ˙be Satanic. ˙Thus Satan has presented the Church and the world with another ˙lie, ˙˙a ˙counterfeit of what was ˙authentic ˙among ˙1st Century believers, ˙to discredit her and to neutralize her ˙power of prayer and effective witness. ˙1 ˙John 2:21 ˙reminds us that, "no ˙lie comes from the truth," ˙and the Gospel of John says that the ˙false ˙teacher, ˙"comes only to steal and kill and ˙destroy" (John 10:10). We ˙may well ask, ˙"If it is not Scriptural, ˙and is ˙Satanically inspired, ˙˙why ˙is it so popular among both Christians and ˙non- Christians alike?" Dr. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, ˙in his book, ˙"The Truth About Tongues," ˙suggests ˙five reasons for its popularity; (1) Spiritual Hunger - people want to be Spiritual and are told this is the proper way; ˙(2) ˙Spiritual Expression ˙- ˙people ˙are seeking a way ˙to ˙express ˙themselves spiritually ˙because ˙they ˙don't feel involved at ˙church; ˙˙(3) Instant ˙Spirituality ˙- since tongues is considered ˙a ˙sign ˙of spiritual maturity, those who seek external affirmation will seek this; (4) A Reaction to Society - in response to a "cold" society a person can feel involved in something supernatural; ˙(5) A Need for ˙Acceptance ˙and Security - a drive to be "in" ˙˙or ˙superior brings ˙people ˙to a place where they can belong and ˙"have ˙it." Why ˙speak ˙out against the Charismatics? ˙We must ˙because ˙the Charismatic ˙Movement ˙must ˙be seen for what it ˙is, ˙˙a ˙˙false teaching ˙that is not of the Truth, ˙Jesus Christ. ˙It does ˙not bring glory to God, but rather--dishonor. Yet, for those who would be brave enough to speak out against the Charismatics there are criticisms and charges that, ˙"you are not loving and you cause division." It is really the opposite. ˙The above ˙examples ˙show vividly that the Charismatic movement ˙does tremendous ˙harm to the church. ˙Some would argue that since the Charismatics ˙preach the same gospel as the ˙fundamentalists ˙why bother ˙them over this issue. ˙The answer is because ˙God ˙cares about false doctrine and its impact in the mission of the church. In ˙the Book of Revelation, ˙Jesus is judging the churches and He tells Pergamum that she is doing some things right but that there is some false teaching in her midst. ˙Jesus does not say, "Well, since ˙you ˙do ˙some ˙things right ˙I ˙will ˙overlook ˙the ˙false teaching." ˙No, in fact, ˙He says He will come and fight against them if they do not correct the problem. We need to correct this problem ˙among ˙us before we find our Lord fighting ˙against ˙His own. God's Word declares that, "The Righteous Hate that which is false." May we all be like our Master and hate what He hates, but ˙love ˙what He loves--the people caught in the net ˙of ˙false doctrine--The Charismatic. Tony Capoccia Bible Bulletin Board Box 115 Galveston, IN 46932 Modem (317)452-1535 April 7, 1987